オープンストリートマップ 千葉県 2024 年 05 月 09 日の編集記録

added some information by つse
added some buildings by つse
国土地理院標準地図に合わせ調整 by K_T_M
added some buildings by つse
県告示を参照して路線情報を修正 by taketaketake
fixing unusual sport values with a clear replacement by Mateusz Konieczny - bot account
added some information by つse
added some information by つse
県告示を参照して路線情報を修正 by taketaketake
県告示を参照して路線情報を修正 by taketaketake
新木戸上高野原線 by Mzaki
住宅街の道路です by DJ-MURO
住宅街の道路です by DJ-MURO
住宅街の道路です by DJ-MURO
fixing unusual cuisine values with a clear replacement by Mateusz Konieczny - bot account
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
fixing unusual smoking values with a clear replacement by Mateusz Konieczny - bot account
国土地理院標準地図に合わせ調整 by K_T_M
国土地理院標準地図に合わせ調整 by K_T_M
道路情報の変更 by DJ-MURO
added some buildings by つse
added some information by つse
Edit Public bath. by kj9
Edit Public bath. by kj9
added some information by つse
道路の追加・編集 by tkamada
バス路線追加(阪東自動車) by Netzach
バス路線追加(阪東自動車) by Netzach
added some information by つse
add highways and buildings by higa4
added some information by つse
add highways and buildings by higa4
山田橋 by frank-frank
added some information by つse
Add Fast food. by Vamp898
Add Restaurant. by Vamp898
Resolved an invalid geometry issue. #OSMChecks #InvalidGeometry #maproulette mpr.lt/c/38500/t/220820573 by dpaschich
With man_made=bridge bridge=yesq is 1: a typo and 2: not needed by marczoutendijk
標準地図差分 by salu271
標準地図差分 by salu271
標準地図差分 by salu271
標準地図差分 by salu271
added some buildings by つse
added some buildings by つse
君津市宿原の行政境界設定、地名・建物・農地・水域・ソーラーパネル・墓地・道路・鉄塔・店舗等追加、情報追記・タグ更新ほか(君津市) by Oos1812
added some buildings by つse
added some buildings by つse
added some buildings by つse
長生グリーンライン by Mzaki
国土地理院標準地図に合わせ調整 by K_T_M
国土地理院GSIMaps/stdを参照して位置を修正 by taketaketake
新宿 by Mzaki
西国分寺台 by frank-frank
銚子ジオパークミュージアム by Y_Suzuki
国土地理院GSIMaps/stdを参照して新規道路の作成 by taketaketake
added some information by つse
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
Modified woods. by geohachi
旭小見川線 by Mzaki
start_date by Mzaki
added some information by つse
added some buildings by つse
国土地理院標準地図に合わせ調整 by K_T_M
標準地図差分 by salu271
県告示を参照して路線情報を修正 by taketaketake
added some information by つse
県告示を参照して路線情報を修正 by taketaketake
県告示を参照して路線情報を修正 by taketaketake
added some information by つse
Created an estate_agent office, a parcel_locker, and 4 other objects; Updated 2 pubs, a cafe, and 2 other objects; Confirmed a pub by Biebie_matsu
added some buildings by つse
航空写真および現地調査に基づき地物追加・修正(八千代市) by (yo)
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
added some buildings by つse
added some buildings by つse
added some buildings by つse
added some information by つse
香取神宮の建物、ウェイを修正 by HikaruKinkakuji
鎌ヶ谷本埜線 by Mzaki
fixed some street by yoshitk
fixed some street by yoshitk
add highways and buildings by higa4
細部 by Mikenpixel
上曽根地区、農地の土地改良事業を反映。新利根川の橋を追加。 by wakaiy
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
建物追加、解体された建物反映、情報追記・タグ更新ほか(南房総市千倉町) by Oos1812
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
Added buildings by Airfall
Added buildings by Airfall
added some information by つse
Added buildings by Airfall
added some buildings by つse
added some information by つse
成田街道の情報更新 by pika_sky
早尾台南から下曽根地区にかけて道路を修整しました。 by wakaiy
ルート by Mikenpixel
香取神宮の案内板を追加 by HikaruKinkakuji
add highways and buildings by higa4
Created a general shop by higa4
香取神宮の案内板を追加 by HikaruKinkakuji
香取神宮の案内板を追加 by HikaruKinkakuji
added buildings #MappyHourJapan by smellman
added some information by つse
成田街道の情報更新 by pika_sky
added some buildings by つse
added some buildings by つse
added some information by つse
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
国土地理院標準地図に合わせ調整 by K_T_M
add highways and buildings by higa4
Created a dry_cleaning shop and a dentist; Updated a photo shop and a bicycle shop; Confirmed 3 supermarket shops, 2 convenience shops, and 21 other objects by higa4
Update some POIs and buildings. by Biebie_matsu
Created 3 pubs, a massage shop, and 10 other objects; Updated a pharmacy and a restaurant; Confirmed 2 restaurants, a fast_food, and 5 other objects by higa4
Created 2 hairdresser shops by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
ドトールコーヒー都賀店が閉店したため削除 by smellman
香取神宮の案内板を追加 by HikaruKinkakuji
芝山はにわ道の情報更新 by pika_sky
銚子連絡道路二期区間の開通を反映 by Netzach
銚子連絡道路二期区間の開通を反映 by Netzach
銚子連絡道路二期区間の開通を反映 by Netzach
交差点の修正(匝瑳市) by Netzach
交差点の修正(匝瑳市) by Netzach
added some buildings by つse
added buildings, fix roads by smellman
常磐線 by 芋けんぴ
銚子連絡道路 by Mzaki
added buildings and roads by smellman
add highways and buildings by higa4
#OSMChecks #Overlappinghighways #maproulette - Resolved overlapping highway and crossing by VLD316
国土地理院標準地図に合わせ調整 by K_T_M
路線情報を修正 by taketaketake
銚子連絡道路 by Mzaki
変更 by JEXCO_Highway
建物追加 by ksk104
追加 by ksk104
県告示を参照して路線情報を修正 by taketaketake
編集 by ksk104
編集 by ksk104
編集 by ksk104
added buildings and add a road by smellman
add highways and buildings by higa4
added some information by つse
成田小見川鹿島港線の情報更新 by pika_sky
added some buildings by つse
added some buildings by つse
#OSMChecks #Overlappinghighways #maproulette - Resolved overlapping crossing and highway by VLD316
建物・駐車場・農地・歩道・横断歩道等追加、情報追記ほか(君津市) by Oos1812
Add some buildings. by Biebie_matsu
空港通りの情報更新 by pika_sky
add highways and buildings by higa4
成田小見川鹿島港線の情報更新 by pika_sky
add highways and buildings by higa4
Splitted long way. by okadatsuneo
added some information by つse
added some buildings by つse
建物・農地・横断歩道・ポスト等追加、Wikipedia・Wikidataリンク、情報追記ほか(山武市蓮沼) by Oos1812
Track information added, 宇都宮 station by flierfy
編集 by ksk104
Created a cafe; Confirmed 2 restaurants by higa4
編集 by ksk104
編集 by ksk104
added some information by つse
added some buildings by つse
osmi routing view fixes by ratrun
Created a water_point by Nurdin1971
パスタ、チキンステーキ、麻婆豆腐、カレー等スパイスを効かせた料理が美味しい。 by unagi8968
飲食店 by unagi8968
成田小見川鹿島港線の情報更新 by pika_sky
added some buildings by つse
added buildings by smellman
国土地理院標準地図に合わせ調整 by K_T_M
added buildings and roads by smellman
added tenants by つse
added some buildings by つse
added some information by つse
Update apartments by Zaneo
Update area by Zaneo
Update area by Zaneo
Update area by Zaneo
空き地を追加 by kj9
公園追加 by kj9
added some buildings by つse
建物追加など by Deppa Hasegawa
建物追加など by Deppa Hasegawa
added some information by つse
added some information by つse
added some buildings by つse
add highways and buildings by higa4
ワインと肉 by unagi8968
立ち飲み屋HAKURI by unagi8968
立ち飲み屋HAKURI by unagi8968
立ち飲み屋HAKURI by unagi8968
建物 by unagi8968
建物 by unagi8968
Spice Bar EN by unagi8968
編集 by ksk104
小櫃堰公園、自動販売機位置修正 by pasiri
編集 by ksk104
編集 by ksk104
Shot Barタイムステーション by unagi8968
立ち呑み屋Kurubushi by unagi8968
'demolished' by mueschel
added some buildings by つse
loosely-bent road alignment based on "Geospatial Information Authority of Japan" map by zyxzyx
loosely-bent road alignment based on "Geospatial Information Authority of Japan" map by zyxzyx
Shirahama - add Hotel Umisato by Micha
Hasama: Add Hasama Marine Park dive centre by Micha
Tateyama : Add Ito Diving Service dive shop by Micha
added some buildings by つse
Update area by Zaneo
Stop signs and crosswalks by Zaneo
Stop signs and crosswalks by Zaneo
Stop signs and crosswalks by Zaneo
Road alignment by Zaneo
added some buildings by つse
交差点の修正(君津市) by Netzach
路線情報を修正 by taketaketake
国土地理院GSIMaps/stdを参照して位置を修正 by taketaketake
fixed some street by yoshitk
fixed some street by yoshitk
fixed some street by yoshitk
added some buildings by つse
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
成田小見川鹿島港線の情報更新 by pika_sky
loosely-bent road alignment based on "Geospatial Information Authority of Japan" map by zyxzyx
Modified woods. Added solar plants. by geohachi
既存道路の追加と修正 by KAORIN2001
久留里馬来田バイパス by Mzaki
長生グリーンライン by Mzaki
船橋市の建物入力 by Kounadayo
標準地図差分 by salu271
loosely-bent road alignment based on "Geospatial Information Authority of Japan" map by zyxzyx
repairs along the river by javbw
loosely-bent road alignment based on "Geospatial Information Authority of Japan" map by zyxzyx
loosely-bent road alignment based on "Geospatial Information Authority of Japan" map by zyxzyx
loosely-bent road alignment based on "Geospatial Information Authority of Japan" map by zyxzyx
add highways and buildings by higa4
loosely-bent road alignment based on "Geospatial Information Authority of Japan" map by zyxzyx
loosely-bent road alignment based on "Geospatial Information Authority of Japan" map by zyxzyx
added some buildings by つse
motorway_link by zyxzyx
motorway_link by zyxzyx
motorway_link by zyxzyx
国土地理院標準地図に合わせ調整 by K_T_M
add highways and buildings by higa4
osmi routing view fixes by ratrun
continued riverside repair. mapping is very rough and inaccurate in this region (esp farmland polygons). by javbw
add highways and buildings by higa4
river repair - most mapping in this area is rough and to old imagery. by javbw
Update area by Zaneo
Update area by Zaneo
Update area by Zaneo
Update area by Zaneo
Add entrances by Zaneo
Update area by Zaneo
農地・歩道・横断歩道・店舗・ポスト等追加、情報追記ほか(君津市三直) by Oos1812

