オープンストリートマップ 青森県 2024 年 05 月 08 日の編集記録

buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
青森市南佃付近の建物を追加 by aoumi
青森市南佃付近の建物を追加 by aoumi
青森市南佃付近の建物を追加 by aoumi
青森市南佃付近の建物を追加 by aoumi
modified road classification by madhumhari
青森市南佃付近の建物を追加 by aoumi
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
青森市南佃付近の建物を追加 by aoumi
青森市南佃付近の建物追加と修正、周辺道路の一方通行設定、歩道追加など by aoumi
Fix tags Mount Osore by tartiflex
Fix tags Lake Usori by tartiflex
青森市南佃付近の建物追加、周辺道路の修正 by aoumi
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
国土地理院GSIMaps/std、全国最新写真(シームレス)を参照して位置を修正 by taketaketake
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
Fix tags Mt. Iwaki by tartiflex
イオン藤崎 四六時中(ごはん処)の閉店 (2024-02-29) を反映 by aoumi
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by アシユ
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by アシユ
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by アシユ
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
リレーション水路 赤川 (青森市東部) +メンバ by Triglav2018
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by アシユ
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by アシユ
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
Updated maximum speed, since there are now passenger services - although rare, at 260 km/h. by _NCLI_
Added stairs and footpath to bridge by _NCLI_
Corrected road usage by _NCLI_
Added footpath under bridge. by _NCLI_
Added paths to park. by _NCLI_
Added industrial areas and footpaths. by _NCLI_
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by アシユ
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
路線情報を修正 by taketaketake
県告示を参照して路線情報を修正 by taketaketake
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
Esri World Imageryを参照して位置を修正 by taketaketake
国土地理院GSIMaps/std、全国最新写真(シームレス)を参照して位置を修正 by taketaketake
階上町を修正 by nacre7
階上町を修正 by nacre7
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie

