オープンストリートマップ 兵庫県 2024 年 04 月 09 日の編集記録

Updated 2 buildings, a fast_food, and 2 other objects; Deleted a toilet by Aphaia_JP
Upgraded tabs by Aphaia_JP
revert: is landuse=paddy obsolate? Not included suggestion in farmland specification. by Aphaia_JP
位置微修正:航空写真にあわせる by Aphaia_JP
武庫之荘本町の建物の微調整・位置修正、直角化等/新規建屋(長老派武庫之荘教会)1軒追加 by Aphaia_JP
教会のタグデータをポイントから新規エリアに移動・ポイントを削除 by Aphaia_JP
ノード/エリア重複:エリア側にノードの情報を移行、ノード消去 by Aphaia_JP
駐車場形状微調整; ノード/エリア重複を解消:エリア側にノードの情報を移行、ノード消去 by Aphaia_JP
北側の道路から南側の駐車場への私道(橋)を記入 by Aphaia_JP
位置を調整 by Aphaia_JP
稲美町曇川の桜追加変更 #codeforharima,#Onebyone,#MappyHourJapan,#kakogawa70,#SmartCity,#スマートシティ by harimawood
加古川市峠池の変更 #codeforharima,#Onebyone,#MappyHourJapan,#kakogawa70,#SmartCity,#スマートシティ by harimawood
加古川市峠池の変更 #codeforharima,#Onebyone,#MappyHourJapan,#kakogawa70,#SmartCity,#スマートシティ by harimawood
加古川市峠池の変更 #codeforharima,#Onebyone,#MappyHourJapan,#kakogawa70,#SmartCity,#スマートシティ by harimawood
加古川市峠池の変更 #codeforharima,#Onebyone,#MappyHourJapan,#kakogawa70,#SmartCity,#スマートシティ by harimawood
加古川市峠池の変更 #codeforharima,#Onebyone,#MappyHourJapan,#kakogawa70,#SmartCity,#スマートシティ by harimawood
Specify road surfaces by lucifer-to
路線情報を修正 by taketaketake
Added/updated buildings and other POIs. by okadatsuneo
亀山駅前等 現地調査 店舗追加 by every_road
Track information added, 西宮北口 station by flierfy
Track information added, 西宮北口 station by flierfy
Track information added, 西宮北口 station by flierfy
Track information added, 西宮北口 station by flierfy
Survey if places (shops and other shop-like) still exist by karida
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have traffic signals by karida
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have markings by karida
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by karida
Specify whether there are cycleways by karida
. by
Survey if places still exist by Shinji Enoki
Created 7 crossings, a toilet, and a clock by Aphaia_JP
Survey housenumbers by Shinji Enoki
Specify whether parking requires a fee by Shinji Enoki
Determine whether building construction is now completed by Shinji Enoki
Survey opening hours by Shinji Enoki
Created 5 prep_schools, a massage shop, and an estate_agent office by Shinji Enoki
Added/update buildings and other POIs. by okadatsuneo

