オープンストリートマップ 沖縄県 2024 年 04 月 01 日の編集記録

情報更新 by Ryang_alt
情報更新 by Ryang_alt
喜友名の建物追加 by south_rain
adding ferry terminals by Spaghetti Monster
Kadena Banyan Tree Golf paths and hole numbers by Sean Gilroy
Trees Kadena Golf Course by Sean Gilroy
added new buildings, a few building names and minor roads. separated buildings that appear as one on aerial photos but are in fact distinct. by Brangre444
added new buildings, a few building names and minor roads. separated buildings that appear as one on aerial photos but are in fact distinct. by Brangre444
Added buildings and shops, fields by Brangre444
Added buildings and shops, fields by Brangre444
Added buildings and shops, fields by Brangre444
added buildings, fields, hotels and shops by Brangre444
added buildings, fields, hotels and shops by Brangre444
added buildings, fields, parks by Brangre444

