オープンストリートマップ 愛知県 2024 年 03 月 25 日の編集記録

名古屋市星ヶ丘周辺の道路などを追記、修正 by Tsukamoto Keishi
愛知県稲沢市平和町周辺トレース by TKE-waka
#OSMStreak by garudakarura
北浜川 by 9854458923
北浜川 by 9854458923
小川 by 9854458923
小川 by 9854458923
小川 by 9854458923
小川 by 9854458923
なし by 9854458923
道路 by 9854458923
小川 by 9854458923
小川 by 9854458923
小川 by 9854458923
小川 by 9854458923
小川 by 9854458923
小川 by 9854458923
小川 by 9854458923
Specify road surfaces by ndsitejp
Specify speed limits by ndsitejp
Specify parking types by ndsitejp
Survey wheelchair accessibility of places by ndsitejp
Specify maximum heights by ndsitejp
Specify whether there are cycleways by ndsitejp
Determine roads lane count by ndsitejp
Specify road smoothness by ndsitejp
Specify whether roads have sidewalks by ndsitejp
Specify sidewalk surfaces by ndsitejp
Specify whether ways are lit by ndsitejp
Specify paths smoothness by ndsitejp
Determine the heights of kerbs by ndsitejp
Specify whether kerbs have tactile paving by ndsitejp
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by ndsitejp
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by ndsitejp
Specify path surfaces by ndsitejp
Specify maximum allowed weights by ndsitejp
Specify toilet fees by ndsitejp
Survey availability of baby changing tables by ndsitejp
Specify wheelchair accessibility of toilets by ndsitejp
Specify building types by ndsitejp
Survey opening hours by ndsitejp
Specify parking access by ndsitejp
Specify whether parking requires a fee by ndsitejp
愛知県稲沢市平和町周辺トレース by TKE-waka
modified 2 shrines; updated nearby buildings by Monkey D Luffy
県告示を参照して路線情報を修正 by taketaketake
updated shrine name, building footprints, connecting footpath networks by Monkey D Luffy
県告示を参照して路線情報を修正 by taketaketake
路線情報を修正 by taketaketake
県告示を参照して路線情報を修正 by taketaketake
Updated 2 shrines by Monkey D Luffy
added shrine grounds; modified surrounding buildings by Monkey D Luffy
Updated shrine by Monkey D Luffy
additional shrine fix by Monkey D Luffy
added shrine by Monkey D Luffy
愛知県稲沢市平和町周辺トレース by TKE-waka
moved shrine point to area, modified buildings and footways by Monkey D Luffy
moved shrine point to area, modified buildings and road network, removed missing building by Monkey D Luffy
ポスト、階段追加 by Gokoj
updated shrine and surrounding area by Monkey D Luffy
fixed shrine grounds extent by Monkey D Luffy
moved shrine point to area, modified buildings and road network by Monkey D Luffy
森林変更、横断歩道削除 by Gokoj
ピアゴ変更 by Gokoj
ガソリンスタンド追加 by Gokoj
updated shrine and surrounding area by Monkey D Luffy
ピアゴ変更(駐車場内通路) by Gokoj
カネスエ駐車場変更 by Gokoj
道路の変更 by Gokoj

