オープンストリートマップ 兵庫県 2024 年 03 月 15 日の編集記録

稲美町の住宅、道路の追加変更 #codeforharima,#Onebyone,#MappyHourJapan,#kakogawa70,#SmartCity,#スマートシティ by harimawood
Specify road surfaces by lucifer-to
Determine roads lane count by lucifer-to
Specify parking types by lucifer-to
Survey housenumbers by lucifer-to
Specify path surfaces by lucifer-to
Created a pub #CodeforHarima by harimawood
Created a pub #CodeforHarima by harimawood
Created 2 hairdresser shops, 2 trees, and 5 other objects by Aphaia_JP
Created a pharmacy, a cafe, and 2 other objects; Updated a supermarket shop by Aphaia_JP
Updated a fixme by Aphaia_JP
立花の星屋を編集 by openamap
Survey housenumbers by lucifer-to
Specify road surfaces by lucifer-to
Specify car wash types by lucifer-to
Specify parking types by lucifer-to
Specify whether parking requires a fee by lucifer-to
Specify whether there are crossings at intersections of paths and roads by lucifer-to
Specify parking access by lucifer-to
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have markings by lucifer-to
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by lucifer-to
Survey opening hours by lucifer-to
Modify : 尼崎,下坂部スーパマハル店位置修正など by lucifer-to
Determine roads lane count by lucifer-to
Survey postbox collection times by lucifer-to
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have traffic signals by lucifer-to
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by lucifer-to
Specify fire hydrant positions by lucifer-to
Specify path surfaces by lucifer-to
Created 2 hairdresser shops, a florist shop, and 8 other objects; Updated a hotel, a library, and a restaurant by Aphaia_JP
修正 by aniesurinku
Created 2 place_of_worships, a post_box, and 6 other objects; Confirmed a kindergarten by Aphaia_JP
Created a restaurant; Updated a restaurant by Aphaia_JP

