オープンストリートマップ 埼玉県 2024 年 03 月 01 日の編集記録

イオン新座店の閉店の反映 by yurinchi
新所沢パルコの閉鎖の反映 by yurinchi
Drawing roads (including side streets, parkings), farns. by tmz19890431
Drawing roads (including side streets, parkings), farns. by tmz19890431
Drawing roads (including side streets, parkings), farns, and around community center. by tmz19890431
#OSMChecks #Overlappinghighways #maproulette Removed nonexistent sidewalks. by VLD175
Add bridge and gravel designation to Nishi-Naguri forest road by derinw
建物の追加 by yurinchi
建物の追加 by yurinchi
建物の追加 by yurinchi
建物の追加 by yurinchi
amenity変更(ごみ集積場だと建物の輪郭が消えてしまうためゴミ発電所とする) by K__F__
赤浜小川線 by Mzaki
edit by iroha
Specify path surfaces by raincandy
Other edits in context of: Specify path surfaces by raincandy
edit by iroha
Specify paths smoothness by raincandy
Specify bicycle parking types by raincandy
Specify bicycle parking capacities by raincandy
Add node by raincandy
Survey tactile paving on steps by raincandy
Specify parking access by raincandy
Specify road surfaces by raincandy
Specify road smoothness by raincandy
Specify step counts by raincandy
Specify whether steps have handrails by raincandy
Specify which way leads up for steps by raincandy
Specify whether steps have a ramp by raincandy
Specify building types by raincandy
Specify building colour by raincandy
Specify roof shapes by raincandy
Specify pitch surfaces by raincandy
Specify whether pitches are lit by raincandy
Determine roads lane count by raincandy
Specify leaf types by raincandy
Specify whether kerbs have tactile paving by raincandy
Other edits in context of: Specify road surfaces by raincandy
Determine whether amenities are inside buildings by raincandy
Survey opening hours by raincandy
Specify whether public transport stops have shelters by raincandy
Specify whether public transport stops have tactile paving by raincandy
Specify whether public transport stops have bins by raincandy
Determine public transport stop names by raincandy
Add whether public transport stops are lit by raincandy
Specify whether public transport stops have benches by raincandy
Add tree genus/species by raincandy
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by raincandy
Specify parking types by raincandy
Specify whether parking requires a fee by raincandy
Fix duplicate nodes by gscholz
fix shrubs actually being trees by raincandy
建物の追加・削除 by yurinchi
住宅やマンション、耕作地の追加を行いました。また、航空写真の更新によりズレてしまっていた周辺道路の調整も行いました。 by ササキチヒロ
建物の修正、追加、タグの修正 by yurinchi
254 repair before survey by javbw
住宅やマンション、耕作地を主に追加しました。 by ササキチヒロ
Buildings/Roads Mapping in around Sakurazawa, Yorii town, Saitama pref. by hatochan

