オープンストリートマップ 東京都 2024 年 02 月 29 日の編集記録

東陽町の会社、お店、建物、駐車場を編集しました by anonymous2000
店舗 by penguin_the_dawn
houses and apartments Nogata by kitesurfista
江東区の会社、お店、建物、駐車場を編集しました by anonymous2000
houses and apartments Nogata by kitesurfista
houses and apartments Nogata by kitesurfista
道路追加等 by machiro
houses and apartments Nogata by kitesurfista
woods by javbw
路線情報を修正 by taketaketake
Add tags Miraikan by tartiflex
Add tags Miraikan by tartiflex
continued tamagawa cycling road repair before survey by javbw
forest to swamp by javbw
minor bildings by javbw
replace FULLWIDTH DIGIT with regular DIGIT by Bman
replace FULLWIDTH DIGIT with regular DIGIT by Bman
Add Kaijin Radio Components by 市川ゆり子
Fix name of train station by raincandy
added buildings, road edits by snoozingnewt
Created 8 restaurants, 3 pharmacies, and 11 other objects; Updated 2 restaurants, 2 pubs, and 8 other objects; Confirmed 2 restaurants, 2 pubs, and 3 other objects by Biebie_matsu
トイレ追加 by nao000
もう少し丁寧にマッピングした方が良いかもしれません by mihiro515
Specify building and roof levels by CornerSyrup
Specify roof shapes by CornerSyrup
Specify building types by CornerSyrup
Survey housenumbers by CornerSyrup
Specify parking types by CornerSyrup
Determine the heights of kerbs by CornerSyrup
Specify whether kerbs have tactile paving by CornerSyrup
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by CornerSyrup
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by CornerSyrup
Specify path surfaces by CornerSyrup
Specify road surfaces by CornerSyrup
Specify whether traffic signals have sound signals by CornerSyrup
Specify whether traffic signals have a button for pedestrians by CornerSyrup
Specify whether traffic signals have tactile indications that it's safe to cross by CornerSyrup
Specify bridge structures by CornerSyrup
Specify whether there are cycleways by CornerSyrup
Determine roads lane count by CornerSyrup
Specify whether public transport stops have shelters by CornerSyrup
Specify whether public transport stops have benches by CornerSyrup
Specify whether public transport stops have bins by CornerSyrup
Specify whether public transport stops have tactile paving by CornerSyrup
Add whether public transport stops are lit by CornerSyrup
Specify toilet fees by CornerSyrup
Survey availability of baby changing tables by CornerSyrup
Specify wheelchair accessibility of toilets by CornerSyrup
Specify maximum heights by CornerSyrup
Determine whether amenities are inside buildings by CornerSyrup
マッピングされてない集合住宅がありました、、 by mihiro515
Fix POI by CornerSyrup
Update POIs by CornerSyrup
Uターン禁止追加 by 近場行き
fixed some street by yoshitk
fixed some street by yoshitk
User Feedback by Mmy123!@
Survey if places still exist by nitsuaa
Specify building types by nitsuaa
江東区の会社、お店、建物を編集しました by anonymous2000
江東区の建物を編集しました by anonymous2000
cycleway randoms before survey. all routes are still incomplete by javbw
調布市内 by 近場行き
道路追加等 by machiro
Ginza name:en and subarea relations by AlexM51
毛利一丁目21番地の建物、駐車場および会社を追加・編集 by sibaking
毛利1丁目、江東橋五丁目内の建物・住所・信号を追加・編集 by sibaking
Add tags Nikken Sekkei by tartiflex
Add tags Nikken Sekkei by tartiflex
fix tag by tartiflex
住宅街の道路を追加 by SD 永田
敷地内道路の作成 by SD 永田
江東区毛利1丁目の建物、会社および自販機を追加・編集 by sibaking
毛利1丁目、住吉2丁目内のフィットネスジムを追加・編集 by sibaking
住吉一丁目17番地の建物、店の追加 by sibaking
update houses and apartments Nishi-Nakanobu by kitesurfista
住吉一丁目5番地の建物、店を追加 by sibaking
赤坂見附付近 by 近場行き
肉のハナマサを編集 by sibaking
住吉2丁目14番地の建物と店を編集 by sibaking
住利公園北交差点を編集 by sibaking
continued repair of ped ways along Zanbori river by javbw
道路の編集 by sibaking
毛利一丁目の建物、道路を編集 by sibaking
Specify whether narrow roads are one-ways by wattmto
Specify speed limits by wattmto
Specify whether roads have sidewalks by wattmto
Specify road surfaces by wattmto
Determine roads lane count by wattmto
Determine road widths by wattmto
Other edits in context of: Determine road widths by wattmto
Survey housenumbers by wattmto
Specify crossing types by wattmto
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by wattmto
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by wattmto
Determine the heights of kerbs at crossings by wattmto
Specify building types by wattmto
Specify path surfaces by wattmto
Specify whether there are crossings at intersections of paths and roads by wattmto
Created 3 restaurants, 2 hairdresser shops, and 6 other objects; Updated a mobile_phone shop, a cafe, and a restaurant; Confirmed a fast_food, a cafe, and 3 other objects by wattmto
ツインタワーすみとし住吉館を編集 by sibaking
住利公園を編集 by sibaking
update houses and apartments Nishi-Nakanobu by kitesurfista
update houses and apartments Nishi-Nakanobu by kitesurfista

