オープンストリートマップ 青森県 2024 年 02 月 27 日の編集記録

Updated denomination tagging #QA by Claudius Henrichs
八戸市を修正 by nacre7
buildings, corrections (source=Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
青森 by 芋けんぴ
野辺地駅 by 芋けんぴ
つがる市木造豊田・木造蓮川付近の耕作地を追加 by aoumi
つがる市木造蓮川付近の耕作地を追加 by aoumi
つがる市木造朝日・木造成田・木造早田付近の耕作地を追加 by aoumi
つがる市木造土滝付近の耕作地を修正 by aoumi
つがる市木造土滝付近の建物、河川エリアを追加 by aoumi
つがる市木造土滝付近の耕作地を修正 by aoumi
buildings, corrections (source=Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
つがる市木造成田・木造早田付近の耕作地を追加 by aoumi
つがる市木造赤根・木造浮巣付近の耕作地を追加 by aoumi
つがる市木造丸山・木造吹原付近の耕作地を追加 by aoumi
つがる市木造吹原付近の耕作地を追加 by aoumi
つがる市木造下遠山里付近の耕作地を修正 by aoumi
buildings, corrections (source=Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
つがる市木造下遠山里付近の耕作地を修正 by aoumi
つがる市木造蓮川・木造早田付近の耕作地を追加 by aoumi
つがる市木造芦沼・木造成田付近の耕作地を追加 by aoumi
buildings, corrections (source=Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
fixed some street by yoshitk
つがる市木造中館付近の耕作地を修正 by aoumi
つがる市木造濁川付近の耕作地を修正 by aoumi
fixed some street by yoshitk
buildings, corrections (source=Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
fixed some street by yoshitk
fixed some street by yoshitk
fixed some street by yoshitk
fixed some street by yoshitk
八戸市を修正 by nacre7
八戸市を修正 by nacre7
八戸市を修正 by nacre7
八戸市を修正 by nacre7
Fix polygon relation around Mt. Iwaki by tartiflex
Add tags around Mt. Iwaki by tartiflex
buildings, corrections (source=Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
つがる市木造下遠山里 小田原の建物を追加 by aoumi
六ヶ所原燃PRセンター別館のレストランや案内地図や遊具を追加 by taki3hira
osmi routing view fixes by ratrun
buildings, corrections (source=Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
青森県告示による国道区域の変更 by taketaketake
六戸町を修正 by nacre7
八戸市を修正 by nacre7
おいらせ町を修正 by nacre7
五戸町を修正 by nacre7
八戸市を修正 by nacre7
buildings, corrections (source=Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
金刀比羅神社境内の情報と津波監視カメラを追加 by taki3hira
三沢市津波監視カメラ付近の海岸線の道路を追加 by taki3hira
八戸市を修正 by nacre7
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
buildings, corrections (source=Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
wikidata by 610CH-405
路線情報を修正 by taketaketake
南部町を修正 by nacre7
八戸市を修正 by nacre7
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
是川縄文館前のバス停やポスト追加 by taki3hira
Eliminated a sharp turn in a highway. #OSMChecks #SharpTurns #maproulette mpr.lt/c/43006/t/215297700 by smorz
八戸市を修正 by nacre7
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
Convert helipad nodes to areas - World #maproulette mpr.lt/c/40681/t/175583770 by Ropino
三内丸山遺跡内の案内板を追加 by taki3hira
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
三内丸山遺跡内の大型竪穴建物内の消火器、案内板を追加 by taki3hira
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
五戸町を修正 by nacre7
金刀比羅神社付近の道路追加 by taki3hira
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
三内丸山遺跡内の大型掘立柱建物跡付近の案内板などを追加 by taki3hira
loosely-bent road alignment based on "Geospatial Information Authority of Japan" map by zyxzyx
八戸市を修正 by nacre7
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
つがる市木造中館 中の林の建物を追加 by aoumi
つがる市木造濁川の建物を追加 by aoumi
つがる市木造濁川の耕作地を追加 by aoumi
つがる市木造土滝付近の建物を追加 by aoumi
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
buildings, corrections (source=Japan GSI seamlessphoto Imagery;Esri World Imagery) by mindedie
三内丸山遺跡内の子どもの墓の案内板などを追加 by taki3hira

