オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2024 年 02 月 16 日の編集記録

タグの修正と、庚午北3丁目の建物のトレース by Wish_F
春木川と轟川の境を修正しました。 by おとぢろう
mpr.lt/c/41015/t/207793099 -- invalid height by Bman
mpr.lt/c/41015/t/207793536 -- invalid height by Bman
mpr.lt/c/41015/t/207793330 -- invalid height #maproulette by Bman
mpr.lt/c/41015/t/207793331 -- invalid height #maproulette by Bman
mpr.lt/c/41015/t/207793526 -- invalid height #maproulette by Bman
mpr.lt/c/41015/t/207793582 -- replace FULLWIDTH DIGIT with regular number #maproulette by Bman
mpr.lt/c/41015/t/207793693 -- invalid height #maproulette by Bman
Created a cafe; Updated 2 convenience shops by tom_konda
自動販売機のタグの修正 by Wish_F
自動販売機のタグの修正 by Wish_F
Specify bicycle rental types by Aizw-H
Survey housenumbers by Aizw-H
建物。 by icaro98
町丁境界追加:大阪市東淀川区、市境界を住居表示区域の境にあわせる。 by okadatsuneo
建物。 by icaro98
Specify building types by taki3hira
町丁境界追加:大阪市淀川区、市境界を住居表示区域の境にあわせる。 by okadatsuneo
建物 by qrweb
mpr.lt/c/41015/t/207791811 by Bman
houses. by aerozel
houses. by aerozel
建物 by qrweb
Plateau import: 池田市 52351375 by okadatsuneo_import
Plateau import: 池田市 52351375 by okadatsuneo_import
Plateau import: 池田市 52351375 by okadatsuneo_import
Plateau import: 池田市 52351375 by okadatsuneo_import
Plateau import: 池田市 52351375 手動追加・更新 by okadatsuneo_import
Created 7 wayside_shrines, 4 fire_hydrants, and 11 other objects; Updated 25 house buildings, 13 apartments buildings, and 14 other objects; Confirmed a bicycle_rental by Wish_F
Created a board and a fire_hydrant; Updated 9 house buildings and 3 apartments buildings by Wish_F
Created a vending_machine and a main entrance; Updated 3 apartments buildings and a house building by Wish_F
歩道と店を追加。重複してるノードを削除 by Rakkka
awabar Shinsaibashiを追加しました。 by h1rose
Created 5 vending_machines and a fire_hydrant; Updated 7 house buildings, 2 apartments buildings, and a building by Wish_F
Created 2 fire_hydrants and a fire_service_inlet; Updated 6 house buildings, 2 apartments buildings, and a garage building by Wish_F
Created 7 fire_service_inlets, 2 vending_machines, and 3 other objects; Updated 3 buildings, an apartments building, and a retail building by Wish_F
大阪府大阪市福島区福島六丁目にあるホテル周辺の地物の編集 by tom_konda
Created 2 vending_machines, a fire_hydrant, and a main entrance; Updated 19 house buildings, 2 apartments buildings, and a building by Wish_F
最高速度追加,進行方向制限追加など by Yusuke1109
Created 6 fire_hydrants, 3 vending_machines, and 7 other objects; Updated 19 house buildings, 6 buildings, and 6 other objects; Deleted a fast_food; Confirmed a supermarket shop by Wish_F

