オープンストリートマップ 京都府 2024 年 02 月 12 日の編集記録

大覚寺 宸殿〜心経前殿 廊下、消火器、消火栓追加 他 by yasunari
Created a restaurant by Satsuki355
建物等の追加 by akt2
Resolved an invalid geometry issue. #OSMChecks #InvalidGeometry #maproulette mpr.lt/c/38500/t/214966342 by dpaschich
Daimonji paths update with GPS/CLAS by Takaharatan
施設名などの追加 by PoCoSoFo
妃屋 by frai-b
Daimonji paths update with GPS/CLAS by Takaharatan
駐車場の編集 by PoCoSoFo
ホンダ京都北山店に支店名を追加 by frai-b
愛知県で表示されますがこちらが正しい場所です by oliostagno
Add sidewalk and row or trees in Uzumasa Yasui and Yasuiura by 23AF Studio
Add lines of trees along Tenjingawa near Shijo by 23AF Studio
店舗名などPOIの追加 by PoCoSoFo
Specify building and roof levels by dressed-pleasekin
Specify building types by dressed-pleasekin
Specify which way leads up for steps by dressed-pleasekin
Update sidewalks and buildings near Uzumasa JR by 23AF Studio
店舗名などPOIの追加 by PoCoSoFo
ポイントの位置調整 by PoCoSoFo
久世郡久御山町森 建物名、栄興運の敷地と建物 を追加 by 鵜飼 実幸
店舗名などPOIの追加 by PoCoSoFo
久世郡久御山町森 運送業者の敷地と建物、その他の建物名 を追加 by 鵜飼 実幸
店舗名などPOIの追加 by PoCoSoFo
建物等の追加 by akt2
Upadte and repair buildings and roads in Uzumasa, Eiga Mura areas by 23AF Studio
店舗名などPOIの追加 by PoCoSoFo
Manually checked and reviewed edit based on a Map builder user. Added point of interest near Kita Ward, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. #MapBuilder #MSFTOpenMaps by mikimapbuilder
店名の修正 by PoCoSoFo

