オープンストリートマップ 兵庫県 2024 年 02 月 01 日の編集記録

建物名称、階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
最高速度追加 by Yusuke1109
加古川市の歩道橋変更 #codeforharima,#Onebyone,#MappyHourJapan,#kakogawa70,#SmartCity,#スマートシティ by harimawood
加古川市の歩道橋変更 #codeforharima,#Onebyone,#MappyHourJapan,#kakogawa70,#SmartCity,#スマートシティ by harimawood
Specify parking types by lucifer-to
Specify parking access by lucifer-to
Specify whether parking requires a fee by lucifer-to
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by lucifer-to
Determine road widths by lucifer-to
Specify whether narrow roads are one-ways by lucifer-to
Specify building types by lucifer-to
階数、高さ、住所追加 by dn1013
Plateau import: 池田市 52352313 by okadatsuneo_import
二号店の詳細追加 by Yukiko Mitsuzumi
階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
建物名称、階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
建物名称、階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
建物名称、階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
建物名称、階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
建物名称、階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
建物名称、階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
階数、高さ、住所追加 by dn1013
Assigned street names by rj_buchanan
朝来市和田山町東谷の「コワーキングスペースオーラ」について、名称の表記を修正しました。 by HidakaNyo
豊岡市塩津の建物などを追加しました。 by HidakaNyo
Survey opening hours by lucifer-to
Specify whether there are crossings at intersections of paths and roads by lucifer-to
Specify fire hydrant positions by lucifer-to
Determine road widths by lucifer-to
Specify road surfaces by lucifer-to
Determine roads lane count by lucifer-to
Specify whether public transport stops have benches by lucifer-to
Specify whether public transport stops have bins by lucifer-to
Specify whether public transport stops have tactile paving by lucifer-to
Add whether public transport stops are lit by lucifer-to
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by lucifer-to
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by lucifer-to
Survey housenumbers by lucifer-to
Specify building types by lucifer-to
Specify path surfaces by lucifer-to
Determine whether amenities are inside buildings by lucifer-to
Specify access to playgrounds by lucifer-to
Specify parking types by lucifer-to
Specify whether narrow roads are one-ways by lucifer-to
最高速度追加,修正 by Yusuke1109
Specify whether parking requires a fee by lucifer-to
Determine the heights of kerbs by lucifer-to
Specify whether kerbs have tactile paving by lucifer-to
Specify which way leads up for steps by lucifer-to
Survey tactile paving on steps by lucifer-to
Specify whether steps have handrails by lucifer-to
建物名、階数追加 by dn1013
建物名、階数追加 by dn1013
建物名、階数追加 by dn1013
建物名、階数追加 by dn1013
建物名、階数追加 by dn1013
建物名、階数追加 by dn1013
建物名、階数追加 by dn1013
建物名、階数追加 by dn1013
建物名、階数追加 by dn1013
建物名、階数追加 by dn1013
建物名、階数追加 by dn1013
建物名、階数追加 by dn1013
建物名、階数追加 by dn1013
建物名、階数追加 by dn1013
建物名、階数追加 by dn1013
建物名、階数追加 by dn1013
建物名、階数追加 by dn1013
建物名、階数追加 by dn1013
階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
建物名称、階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
建物名称、階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
建物名称、階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
建物名称、階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
建物名称、階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
建物名称、階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
建物名称、階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
建物名称、階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
建物名称、階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
建物名称、階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
建物名称、階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to
建物名称、階数を設定 by mic_fujii_to

