オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2024 年 01 月 27 日の編集記録

Added/updated buildings and other POIs. by okadatsuneo
Created 4 saunas and a shower by singeun
西高野街道沿いの情報を追加 by taki3hira
建物を追加。 by トキーゴ
大阪市平野区の図書館が重複しているのを修正 by K_Sakanoshita
add wikidata tags within Osaka Prefecture, JP-27, Japan by higa4
道路の補正と建物。 by icaro98
西高野街道沿いのお地蔵さんなどを追加 by taki3hira
建物。 by icaro98
建物 by qrweb
Specify crossing types by Shinji Enoki
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by Shinji Enoki
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by Shinji Enoki
Specify path surfaces by Shinji Enoki
Specify whether traffic signals have sound signals by Shinji Enoki
Specify whether traffic signals have a button for pedestrians by Shinji Enoki
Specify whether traffic signals have tactile indications that it's safe to cross by Shinji Enoki
Specify road surfaces by Shinji Enoki
Survey if places still exist by Shinji Enoki
Specify whether there are crossings at intersections of paths and roads by Shinji Enoki
Specify building types by Shinji Enoki
Survey if places (shops and other shop-like) still exist by Shinji Enoki
Specify bridge structures by K_Sakanoshita
Specify road surfaces by K_Sakanoshita
Created a sauna by singeun
add wikidata tags within Hyogo Prefecture, JP-28, Japan by higa4
Created a sauna by singeun
Created a sauna by singeun
建物やソーラーパネルを追加 by K_Sakanoshita
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by singeun
大阪府堺市堺区 ラーメン屋 関西風来軒を追加。 by tosihisa
Specify whether public transport stops have shelters by K_Sakanoshita
Created 6 saunas by singeun
Created 3 saunas by singeun
Created 4 saunas and a shower by singeun
Updated a restaurant by Shinji Enoki
Specify building types by Shinji Enoki
Survey housenumbers by Shinji Enoki
Specify path surfaces by Shinji Enoki
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by Shinji Enoki
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by Shinji Enoki
Added/updated buildings and other POIs. by okadatsuneo
Updated 5 benches and an information by OYA_Yuji
大阪府豊中市 吹田箕面線付近の地物を形状修正。 by Takanori MATSUURA
建物と路地 by qrweb
Specify building types by Aizw-H
Specify access to playgrounds by Aizw-H
Survey housenumbers by Aizw-H
Specify path surfaces by Aizw-H
Specify whether there are crossings at intersections of paths and roads by Aizw-H
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by Aizw-H
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by Aizw-H
Specify bicycle parkings covers by Aizw-H
Specify whether combined foot- and cycleways are segregated by Aizw-H
Added/updated buildings and other POIs. by okadatsuneo
Added/updated buildings and other POIs. by okadatsuneo
houses. by aerozel
Added/updated buildings and other POIs. by okadatsuneo
指定暴力団の秋良連合会を追加いたしました。 by ジャパニーズ事務所
houses. by aerozel
houses. by aerozel
2024年2月3日に開店いたします。 by 鰻の成瀬 お初天神店
houses. by aerozel
Added/updated buildings and other POIs. by okadatsuneo
推定 by iyonagashuichi
推定 by iyonagashuichi
add solor panels. by ryoro
add solor panels. by ryoro
Added/updated buildings and other POIs. by okadatsuneo

