オープンストリートマップ 石川県 2024 年 01 月 05 日の編集記録

#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 t 13 14 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by donuzium
石川県能登町宇出津 周辺編集 by Ryo-a
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 Added and adjusted buildings and roads by RAytoun
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 Added and adjusted buildings (and waterways removed layer -1) by RAytoun
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by RAytoun
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 #23#38#39#54#55#56#57#69#70#72 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by harimawood
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by RAytoun
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by RAytoun
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by harimawood
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by yokoblue
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 Mapbox OpenStreetMap #15887 | Crisis Mappers Japan 令和6年能登半島地震 2024 建物・道路マッピング. 石川県珠洲市#18#21#22#31#33#34#35#36#37 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 t 17 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by yokoblue
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Yusei Gotoda
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 #85#87#88#89#111#114#115 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by donuzium
建物などの追加 by 03is
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by yokoblue
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by nekottyo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by nekottyo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 t 137 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 t 137 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by nireapril
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 t 84 86 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by nekottyo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 t #203#204#222#223#224#225 checked by Frans S
建物などの変更 by 03is
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by donuzium
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 Added and adjusted buildings and roads by RAytoun
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 #203#204#222#223#224#225 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by yokoblue
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Yusei Gotoda
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by nekottyo
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 Added and adjusted buildings and roads by RAytoun
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 Added and adjusted buildings and roads by RAytoun
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by K_Sakanoshita
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by K_Sakanoshita
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 Added and adjusted buildings by RAytoun
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 #166#167#168#169#170#171#185#188 checked by Frans S
石川県能登町宇出津 周辺編集 by Ryo-a
石川県能登町宇出津 周辺編集 by Ryo-a
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by yokoblue
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by donuzium
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 #51#53#66#68 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by K_Sakanoshita
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KingVik
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KingVik
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by donuzium
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KingVik
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KingVik
建物などの追加 by 03is
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KingVik
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KingVik
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KingVik
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by K_Sakanoshita
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KingVik
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by donuzium
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by MarcelGIS
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by _shimizu
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by ffff23
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by yokoblue
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by nekottyo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by yokoblue
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by nekottyo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by ffff23
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by ffff23
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by nekottyo
穴水町川島周辺の建物等のトレースと修正 by Wish_F
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by K_Sakanoshita
add buildings, align roads. by ryoro
add buildings, align roads. by ryoro
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Ashok Thakulla
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Ashok Thakulla
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Ashok Thakulla
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Ashok Thakulla
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Ashok Thakulla
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Ashok Thakulla
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Asparagus Gab
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
穴水町川島周辺の建物等のトレースと修正 by Wish_F
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
add buildings, align roads. by ryoro
add buildings, align roads. by ryoro
add buildings, align roads. by ryoro
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Fumiyo MURAYAMA
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Fumiyo MURAYAMA
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Niwaka
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Fumiyo MURAYAMA
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Niwaka
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Fumiyo MURAYAMA
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Fumiyo MURAYAMA
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Fumiyo MURAYAMA
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Fumiyo MURAYAMA
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Fumiyo MURAYAMA
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Fumiyo MURAYAMA
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by yokoblue
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Fumiyo MURAYAMA
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Fumiyo MURAYAMA
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Fumiyo MURAYAMA
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Fumiyo MURAYAMA
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Fumiyo MURAYAMA
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Fumiyo MURAYAMA
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Agghennes
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Ehrie
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by harimawood
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by miurahr
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by miurahr
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Qwajo OSM
JR北陸線HP(https://trafficinfo.westjr.co.jp/hokuriku.html)の情報を元に、高松駅〜羽咋駅の路線をdisusedに変更 「運転再開には少なくとも1月5日から2週間以上かかる見込みです。」 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
JR北陸線HP(https://trafficinfo.westjr.co.jp/hokuriku.html)の情報を元に、羽咋駅〜和倉温泉駅の路線をdisusedに変更 「羽咋駅〜和倉温泉駅間は、線路設備の被害が大きく運転再開の見込みが立っていません。」 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
のと鉄道公式Twitterの情報(https://twitter.com/nototetsu/status/1741801646416675248)をもとに、のと鉄道の路線をdisusedに変更 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by rensan
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by rensan
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by rensan
Add landuses alongside of coast / #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by miurahr
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by rensan
Modified coastline #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by utteringmute
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by rensan
Anammizu town houses, Earthquake disaster affected area #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by miurahr
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by rensan
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by rensan
能登の風力発電所の管理用道路を追加 #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by rensan
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by rensan
民家を数軒作成 #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by rensan
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by Zunyu
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Ash_Ash
道路の線型を修正 #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by okadatsuneo
建物を作成 #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by okadatsuneo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by okadatsuneo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Ash_Ash
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by okadatsuneo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Ash_Ash
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by rensan
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by スカイオーシャン合同会社
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by Zunyu
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by okadatsuneo
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 added buildings by arnalielsewhere
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 #GISCorps by ItsmeTin
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 added buildings by arnalielsewhere
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Yusei Gotoda
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by okadatsuneo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by ruuuuuuta
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
fixed some street by yoshitk
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by okadatsuneo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Yusei Gotoda
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by ruuuuuuta
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by ruuuuuuta
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by okadatsuneo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by Zunyu
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by okadatsuneo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Y_Suzuki
fixed some street by yoshitk
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Y_Suzuki
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by okadatsuneo
建物と地名を作成 #hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
鵜入町の神社を作成 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Y_Suzuki
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by okadatsuneo
建物を作成 #hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by rensan
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by Zunyu
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by rensan
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by さきほ
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by Zunyu
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by Zunyu
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
fixed some street by yoshitk
#hotosm-project-15900+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by K_Sakanoshita
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
打越地区の建物を作成#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
建物を追加 #hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by Zunyu
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by さきほ
石川県道38号輪島浦上線の線形調整 by nmaruichi
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by _shimizu
建物を追加 #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
noteを修正 by brickbird
石川県道52号折戸飯田線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by スカイオーシャン合同会社
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 #GISCorps by ItsmeTin
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by cudos
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by TAKASHI TANAKA
蛸島港線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by TAKASHI TANAKA
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by TAKASHI TANAKA
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 #addedbuildings by Bernard948
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by M_Sasamichi
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by TAKASHI TANAKA
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by cudos
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by TAKASHI TANAKA
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
宝立町鵜島の建物を作成#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by TAKASHI TANAKA
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Suthakaran
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
Road realignment by tutuw002
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by TAKASHI TANAKA
蛸島港線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
宝立町鵜島の建物を作成#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Kathyaus
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Kathyaus
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by nekottyo
石川県道12号蛸島港線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Suthakaran
石川県立飯田高等学校の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by TAKASHI TANAKA
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by TAKASHI TANAKA
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
林道を作成 #hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
大谷狼煙飯田線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Suthakaran
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by M_Sasamichi
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
林道を作成 #hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Kathyaus
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by Zunyu
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by wakasamasao
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
osmi routing view fixes by ratrun
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Suthakaran
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Suthakaran
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by donuzium
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Y_Suzuki
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Y_Suzuki
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Asparagus Gab
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Kathyaus
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 #GISCorps by ItsmeTin
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Asparagus Gab
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Tomokology
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by M_Sasamichi
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 #gaurav #youthmappers #mapbuds #missingmaps by Gaurav Parajuli
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Asparagus Gab
大谷狼煙飯田線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Asparagus Gab
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by TAKASHI TANAKA
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by donuzium
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by まっく まりあてれじあ
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Y_Suzuki
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by M_Sasamichi
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Kathyaus
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Asparagus Gab
大谷狼煙飯田線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by donuzium
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by M_Sasamichi
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by TAKASHI TANAKA
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by kliu17
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
大谷狼煙飯田線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by donuzium
大谷狼煙飯田線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by Zunyu
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Kathyaus
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
大谷狼煙飯田線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by M_Sasamichi
大谷狼煙飯田線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by donuzium
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
大谷狼煙飯田線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Y_Suzuki
大谷狼煙飯田線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by M_Sasamichi
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
石川県輪島市大沢町の建物追加 #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by nmaruichi
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Kathyaus
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
大谷狼煙飯田線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by まっく まりあてれじあ
石川県輪島市大沢町の建物追加 #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by nmaruichi
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
大谷狼煙飯田線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Y_Suzuki
大谷狼煙飯田線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Y_Suzuki
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by TAKASHI TANAKA
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Y_Suzuki
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by Zunyu
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by TENGOSUEO
大谷狼煙飯田線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
大谷狼煙飯田線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by TENGOSUEO
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Y_Suzuki
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by TAKASHI TANAKA
大谷狼煙飯田線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Tsu-Yi Su
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
大谷狼煙飯田線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by marikocco
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Y_Suzuki
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by Zunyu
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by marikocco
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by TENGOSUEO
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 #GISCorps by ItsmeTin
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Tsu-Yi Su
大谷狼煙飯田線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Tsu-Yi Su
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Tsu-Yi Su
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
大谷狼煙飯田線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Tsu-Yi Su
Modified building #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by utteringmute
大谷狼煙飯田線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Kathyaus
大谷狼煙飯田線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
Added buildings #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by utteringmute
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Kathyaus
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by Zunyu
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by okadatsuneo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by Zunyu
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by okadatsuneo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by okadatsuneo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by okadatsuneo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Kathyaus
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
I revert it because obvious vandalism by sen_takeya
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
Fixing broken coastline #MSFTOpenMaps by PulisakZ
大谷狼煙飯田線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by 03is
建物を追加 #hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
石川県輪島漆芸美術館の敷地を作成 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
大谷狼煙飯田線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
大谷狼煙飯田線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Alex_DSt
石川県道28号大谷狼煙飯田線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
道路の位置を衛星写真に合わせた#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Kathyaus
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
Added buildings #hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by utteringmute
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by mmahmud
建物を作成 #hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
Modified highways #hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by utteringmute
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Mich74
道路線形を微修正 #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
Added buildings #hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by utteringmute
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Mich74
Added buildings #hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by utteringmute
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Mich74
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Mich74
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
小屋の建物を作成 #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
Added buildings #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by utteringmute
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Y_Suzuki
道路の線形を修正 #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by mmahmud
神社を作成 by muramototomoya
建物を作成 #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Mich74
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by mmahmud
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by PoCoSoFo
Added route designation and created relation by tutuw002
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Mich74
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by mmahmud
道路の修正と建物の作成 #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
Fix tag by tutuw002
七尾輪島線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by mmahmud
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by MAPconcierge
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
石川県輪島市大沢町の建物を追加 #hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by nmaruichi
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by PoCoSoFo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Mich74
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Mich74
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Mich74
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Y_Suzuki
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by 03is
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 #52#65#67 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by hk111
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Co Meijer
七尾輪島線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 #44#45#46#47#48#49#310#311#312#313 checked by Frans S
道路の修正と建物の作成を実施 #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Mich74
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Y_Suzuki
建物を作成 #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Y_Suzuki
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by yokoblue
建物を追加 #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Alex_DSt
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by yokoblue
建物の見直し・直角化 #hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by otkzh77
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by hk111
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by hk111
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by nekottyo
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by openamap
七尾輪島線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 #63#78#107 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by nekottyo
#hotosm-project-15888+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by wattmto
Just a few houses added. by yokoblue
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by nekottyo
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Rapala57
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 t 349 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 t 347 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15888+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by wattmto
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Rapala57
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by smellman
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by smellman
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震, t-325 by Agghennes
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Rapala57
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by yokoblue
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by ffff23
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by ffff23
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
建物の書き入れ #hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by otkzh77
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by ffff23
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by yokoblue
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by batchy
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by ffff23
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by nekottyo
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by nekottyo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by ffff23
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Arie den Boon
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Y_Suzuki
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Rapala57
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by nekottyo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 t 306 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Walter Mayeku
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 t 348 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Arie den Boon
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Mich74
七尾輪島線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 #194#197#214 CHECKED by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 T 214 CHECKED by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by nekottyo
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Arie den Boon
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Mich74
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
道路の修正 #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Y_Suzuki
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震#40#58#73 checked by Frans S
建物を作成 #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Rapala57
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Mich74
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震#293#330#331 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Arie den Boon
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by nekottyo
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Mich74
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by nekottyo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 #284#286#298#299#300#301 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by karasu_ab
道路と水路を作成 #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Arie den Boon
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by karasu_ab
建物を作成 #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Mich74
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Y_Suzuki
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by karasu_ab
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by karasu_ab
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震#118#244 checked by Frans S
七尾輪島線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Walter Mayeku
穴水町川島周辺の建物等のトレースと修正 #hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Wish_F
七尾輪島線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Arie den Boon
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Y_Suzuki
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by HerrAmpelmann
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震#77#96#99#100#103#104 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by okadatsuneo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by 03is
建物を作成 #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
道路を微修正 #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
Edited features #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by utteringmute
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by 03is
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by wasambon
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by okadatsuneo
農道の修正 #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 Updated the buildings by Shandhivya
七尾輪島線の情報更新 by pika_sky
珠洲市:道路の追加・修正。建物を追加。#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Smokin' Billy
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by yokoblue
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by okadatsuneo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 Updated the buildings by Shandhivya
destroyed:highway by Mzaki
建物を追加 #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
七尾輪島線の情報更新 by pika_sky
七尾輪島線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by yokoblue
道路を修正 #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by yokoblue
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by thkcy
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by okadatsuneo
建物を追加 #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by muramototomoya
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by ffff23
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by thkcy
国道249号のdestroyed:highway by Mzaki
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by yokoblue
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
国道249号のdestroyed:highway by Mzaki
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by nyainariantsoa
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by wasambon
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Arie den Boon
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by yokoblue
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by wasambon
七尾輪島線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by 03is
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by thkcy
国道249号のdestroyed:highway by Mzaki
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by wasambon
石川県道1号七尾輪島線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by m_ike-db
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by thkcy
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by wasambon
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by yokoblue
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by wasambon
Anammizu town houses, Earthquake disaster affected area #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by miurahr
七尾輪島線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by m_ike-db
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by KojirouCircle
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by m_ike-db
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by nyainariantsoa
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by thkcy
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by pal_KS
石川県能登町宇出津 周辺編集 by Ryo-a
七尾輪島線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by wasambon
県道28号のdestroyed:highway by Mzaki
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by thkcy
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by m_ike-db
助長なoneway=no toll=noを削除 by taketaketake
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by m_ike-db
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by thkcy
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Rapala57
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by nyainariantsoa
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by wasambon
七尾輪島線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Rapala57
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Rapala57
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 #320#338#339#340#341#342#343#344#345 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by pal_KS
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by wasambon
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by 03is
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by m_ike-db
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 t 200 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by yokoblue
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Shogo Hirasawa
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by 03is
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Shogo Hirasawa
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by 03is
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by m_ike-db
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Shogo Hirasawa
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Shogo Hirasawa
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by PoCoSoFo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by m_ike-db
七尾輪島線の情報更新 by pika_sky
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by wasambon
石川県能登町宇出津 周辺編集 by Ryo-a
住居の追加 by PoCoSoFo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by pal_KS
石川県能登町宇出津 周辺編集 by Ryo-a
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by m_ike-db
助長なoneway=no toll=noを削除 by taketaketake
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by m_ike-db
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
Added buildings #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by utteringmute
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 #122#123#124#138#235#236#237 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by thkcy
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by m_ike-db
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by pal_KS
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by 03is
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by ffff23
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by m_ike-db
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by yokoblue
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by 03is
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by m_ike-db
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
石川県能登町宇出津 周辺編集 by Ryo-a
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by yokoblue
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 #142#218#219#220#221#238 checked by Frans S
石川県能登町宇出津 周辺編集 by Ryo-a
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by m_ike-db
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by ffff23
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by ffff23
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
add buildings, align roads. by ryoro
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 #218#219#220#221#238 by Frans S
add buildings, align roads. by ryoro
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
add buildings, align roads. by ryoro
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by nabetaro
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by ffff23
add buildings, align roads. by ryoro
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by pal_KS
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by m_ike-db
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 t 351 350 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Caledonia659
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 t 351 350 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by m_ike-db
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by yokoblue
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Arie den Boon
#hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by ikiya
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 #179#181#326#328 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by PoCoSoFo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
県道272号のdestroyed:highway by Mzaki
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by yokoblue
穴水町川島周辺の建物等のトレースと修正 #hotosm-project-15901 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Wish_F
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震t 326 328 181 179 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 t 334 337 checked by Frans S
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by yokoblue
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by nabetaro
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
-building by Mzaki
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Arie den Boon
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Rapala57
#hotosm-project-15887+We+are+updating+earthquake+disaster+affected+area+in+Japan.++#CrisisMapping+#令和6年能登半島地震 by nekottyo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Rapala57
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by PoCoSoFo
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Rapala57
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15888 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Arie den Boon
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by EsthersGeo
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
added buildings #hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Cameon
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15900 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by Ryo-a
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 by SHI__U2
#hotosm-project-15887 We are updating earthquake disaster affected area in Japan. #CrisisMapping #令和6年能登半島地震 t 161 checked by Frans S

