オープンストリートマップ 徳島県 2023 年 12 月 29 日の編集記録

寺院・神社・公園・小道・山頂・展望台追加ほか(阿南市富岡町) by Oos1812
Created a restaurant and a laundry shop #CodeforHarima by harimawood
Updated an optician shop #CodeforHarima by harimawood
Created a clothes shop #CodeforHarima by harimawood
Created a variety_store shop #CodeforHarima by harimawood
Created an insurance office; Updated a books shop and a variety_store shop #CodeforHarima by harimawood
Updated a pharmacy #CodeforHarima by harimawood
Specify road surfaces by harimawood
Determine roads lane count by harimawood
Survey opening hours by harimawood
Specify parking types by harimawood
Specify parking access by harimawood
Specify whether parking requires a fee by harimawood
徳島県美馬市脇町建物の追加、修正  #Codeforharima #Onebyone by harimawood
Updated a restaurant #CodeforHarima by harimawood
徳島県美馬市脇町建物の追加、修正  #Codeforharima #Onebyone by harimawood

