オープンストリートマップ 神奈川県 2023 年 12 月 29 日の編集記録

建物の修正、削除 by yurinchi
建物・駐車場・農地等追加ほか(海老名市国分南・勝瀬) by Oos1812
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Various edits of my neighboorhood by thomaps-jp
Pedestrians only path by Hobbles
Pedestrians only path by Hobbles
Addition of public restroom by Hobbles
Update to completed vehicle parking area by Hobbles
鶴見駅周辺の建物情報(主に高さ・階数)アップデート by okuaki
added redeveloped houses by fred_k
minor fixes by fred_k
Corrected service road after checking on the field on the advice of fred_k様 by thomaps-jp
added houses, geometry tentative by fred_k
minor fixes by fred_k
建物をトレース by red_mokuri

