オープンストリートマップ 愛媛県 2023 年 11 月 08 日の編集記録

Uchiko - Added details and activities in the upper part of the historical district. by vbertola
Uchiko - Added details and activities in the lower part of town. by vbertola
Matsuyama - Castle remapping - Added external access roads, fixed missing tunnel_buildings through gates, revised building positions and sizes joining them and not leaving gaps. by vbertola
Matsuyama - Added position of ticket shop in the castle. by vbertola
Matsuyama - Castle remapping - Fixed the position and connection of retaining walls in the southern part, expanded Tonarimon so that it actually blocks the path. by vbertola
Add Convenience, Bus station; Edit Viewpoint. by StopConsuming_StartProducing

