オープンストリートマップ 愛知県 2023 年 11 月 07 日の編集記録

国土地理院オルソで道路等修正,追加 by AYAGE
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Drawing a map of Oguchi Town by ChizuKatsu
#OSMStreak by garudakarura
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Update a bar. by Biebie_matsu
東神の倉修正 by ichitaro
徳重熊野神社 by ichitaro
徳重周辺詳細 by ichitaro
徳重周辺詳細 by ichitaro
Change wheelchair to yes by wheelmap_visitor
Change wheelchair to yes by wheelmap_visitor
神沢周辺 by ichitaro
高浜市内のR247の側道を追加 by takeos
鳴海配水場 by ichitaro
鳴海配水場 by ichitaro
updated road by 329
updated road by 329
deleted non existent road by 329
deleted non existent road by 329
updated road by 329
神沢周辺 by ichitaro
鳴海配水場 by ichitaro
愛知県清須市西枇杷島町北二ツ杁周辺トレース by TKE-waka
Created an artwork by Ottawajin
Added area details. エリアの詳細を追加した。 by Ottawajin
一社駅 by ichitaro
東山公園駅 by ichitaro
上前津駅周辺 by ichitaro
Change wheelchair to yes by wheelmap_visitor
Change toilets:wheelchair to yes by wheelmap_visitor
交通局関連 by ichitaro
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
神沢周辺 by ichitaro
神沢周辺 by ichitaro
Updated a building and an apartments building; Confirmed a restaurant by Biebie_matsu
神沢周辺 by ichitaro
相生山駅周辺 by ichitaro
徳重周辺詳細 by ichitaro
徳重周辺詳細 by ichitaro
愛知県清須市西枇杷島町北二ツ杁周辺トレース by TKE-waka
愛知県清須市西枇杷島町辰新田周辺トレース by TKE-waka
愛知県清須市西枇杷島町大野周辺トレース by TKE-waka
猪高緑地公園園内の道路などを修正 by Tsukamoto Keishi
猪高緑地公園園内の道路などを修正 by Tsukamoto Keishi
愛知県清須市西枇杷島町西六軒周辺トレース by TKE-waka
更新 by ageoio

