オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2023 年 11 月 06 日の編集記録

店名の修正 by esutore
店舗閉店の反映 by esutore
店名の修正 by esutore
店名の修正 by esutore
店名の修正 by esutore
店舗位置の修正 by esutore
施設名の修正 by esutore
店舗閉店の反映 by esutore
店舗に関する修正 by esutore
店名の修正 by esutore
店名の修正 by esutore
店舗に関する修正 by esutore
店舗閉店の反映 by esutore
万博記念公園内パークカフェ付近のベンチや花壇などの情報を追加 by taki3hira
大阪府箕面市稲2丁目付近の地物を追加・形状修正。 by Takanori MATSUURA
Add/ fix at Hyogo pref by u_kubota
houses. by aerozel
Change wheelchair to yes by wheelmap_visitor
Change wheelchair to limited by wheelmap_visitor
Change wheelchair to yes by wheelmap_visitor
Change wheelchair to yes by wheelmap_visitor
Change wheelchair to yes by wheelmap_visitor
Change wheelchair to yes by wheelmap_visitor
Change wheelchair to yes by wheelmap_visitor
Change wheelchair to limited by wheelmap_visitor
Change wheelchair to yes by wheelmap_visitor
Change wheelchair to yes by wheelmap_visitor
Change wheelchair to no by wheelmap_visitor
Change wheelchair to yes by wheelmap_visitor
Change wheelchair to yes by wheelmap_visitor
Change wheelchair to yes by wheelmap_visitor
Change wheelchair to yes by wheelmap_visitor
Change wheelchair to yes by wheelmap_visitor
Change wheelchair to yes by wheelmap_visitor
Change wheelchair to yes by wheelmap_visitor
Change wheelchair to yes by wheelmap_visitor
Change wheelchair to no by wheelmap_visitor
新しいバス路線のリレーションを追加。 by naruton
Add Ticket; Edit Ticket, Restaurant; Delete Supermarket. by StopConsuming_StartProducing
都島通周辺の現況に合わせた変更 by MaryHiroshige
十三の周辺の建物修正 by K_Sakanoshita
石津停留場付近の建物のトレース by Wish_F
十三の周辺の店舗追加 by K_Sakanoshita
西三国周辺の店舗追加 by K_Sakanoshita
石津停留場付近の建物のトレース by Wish_F

