オープンストリートマップ 東京都 2023 年 11 月 04 日の編集記録

仲六郷の町丁域を作成 by ffff23
道路追加等 by machiro
車線情報追加など by 近場行き
神奈川県のリレーションの順序を並び替え by ffff23
東京都 新宿区 歌舞伎町1丁目 更新 by KKK-jp
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Specify whether roads have sidewalks by Jeoriga
Specify whether there are cycleways by Jeoriga
Determine roads lane count by Jeoriga
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by Jeoriga
Specify whether there are crossings at intersections of paths and roads by Jeoriga
Specify road surfaces by Jeoriga
Specify whether ways are lit by Jeoriga
fixed some street by yoshitk
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
境界線の設定、wikidata紐づけ by Rokomo35
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
境界線の設定、wikidata紐づけ by Rokomo35
境界線の設定、wikidata紐づけ by Rokomo35
Created a post_box by miurahr
境界線の設定、wikidata紐づけ by Rokomo35
境界線の設定、wikidata紐づけ by Rokomo35
境界線の設定、wikidata紐づけ by Rokomo35
境界線の設定、wikidata紐づけ by Rokomo35
通行制限、自転車レーン情報を追加 by 8177
田無町7丁目 建物をマッピング by 8177
上平間・下平間のring not closedを修正 by ffff23
やまぐち内科眼科クリニック 周辺情報追加 by 8177
角野栄子児童文学館(魔法の文学館)開設関連の編集ほか(江戸川区南葛西) by Oos1812
田無町4丁目 建物をマッピング by 8177
都営田無本町7丁目アパート by 8177
現地で確認 by expnoto489
現地で確認 by expnoto489
現地で確認 by expnoto489
市民集会所 by 8177
修正 by expnoto489
correct address notation by user_5359
correct address notation by user_5359
Specify whether public transport stops have shelters by Aromur
Specify whether public transport stops have benches by Aromur
Specify whether public transport stops have bins by Aromur
Specify path surfaces by Aromur
Specify road surfaces by Aromur
横断歩道を追加 by 8177
two shops and name of the building by Tomo_W
田無町4丁目 建物をマッピング by 8177
修正 by expnoto489
牧草地ではない by expnoto489
修正 by 8177
公園ではない by expnoto489
松戸緊急船着場 by expnoto489
名称修正 by expnoto489
追加 by expnoto489
修正 by expnoto489
Added Buildings near Kyodo Station by trafficone
追加 by expnoto489
修正 by expnoto489
道路追加等 by machiro
入谷南公園の北を現地調査に基づきマッピング by maripogoda
相模湖近郊の送電線を修正 by k1241451221
入谷付近 左衛門橋通り沿いを現地調査 by maripogoda
相模湖近郊の送電線を修正 by k1241451221
"change'" => "charge" by unni-geo
入谷付近を現地調査 by maripogoda
相模湖近郊の送電線を修正 by k1241451221
日暮里〜鶯谷付近を現地調査 by maripogoda
東日暮里付近を現地調査 by maripogoda
東日暮里付近を現地調査 by maripogoda

