オープンストリートマップ 京都府 2023 年 11 月 02 日の編集記録

Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
Find all the http:// website tags in OSM that redirect to https:// and update them. by b-jazz-bot
建物等の追加 by akt2
京都市伏見区深草西浦町4丁目 建物1棟を追加し店舗を追加、建物2棟の名前タグ  を追加 by 鵜飼 実幸
京都市伏見区深草西浦町4丁目 建物2棟に名前タグ を追加、ももじろうを焼肉ホルモン オンザライス に変更 by 鵜飼 実幸
ばすすていついか by naruton
西本願寺に denomination:ja=浄土真宗 を追加 by yasunari
建物等の追加 by akt2
延暦寺のリレーションに denomination:ja=天台宗 を追加 by yasunari
銀閣寺に denomination:ja=臨済宗 を追加 by yasunari
醍醐寺のリレーションに denomination=shingon_shu、denomination:ja=真言宗 を追加 by yasunari

