オープンストリートマップ 東京都 2023 年 10 月 23 日の編集記録

解体された建物の削除 by amde0
merged duplicates by map per
神社のWikipedia・Wikidataリンク、建物・農地・横断歩道追加ほか(町田市木曽東) by Oos1812
建物の追加 by amde0
伊勢丹新宿店 3D 更新 by KKK-jp
伊勢丹新宿店 3D タグ修正 by KKK-jp
江戸川橋駅をwiki記載のルールに合うよう修正 http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:Tag:railway%3Dstation by mds878
豊田氏の用水を編集 by Kkairri
町田市ほか by cd29736
日野市内を編集 by Kkairri
Specify bridge structures by Jagpedia
Specify crossing types by Jagpedia
Specify road surfaces by Jagpedia
Determine roads lane count by Jagpedia
Determine the heights of kerbs by Jagpedia
地方主要道路の速度設定 40km 2車線 by SD 永田
路地へ属性変更  20kmへ by SD 永田
玉川学園関連の編集(町田市玉川学園・横浜市青葉区奈良町) by Oos1812
edit by kazuha0000
edit by kazuha0000
Removed colour from station object since that's part of the route information by Claudius Henrichs
Removed colour from station object since that's part of the route information by Claudius Henrichs
Removed colour from station object since that's part of the route information by Claudius Henrichs
Added missing route relation members by Claudius Henrichs
道路追加等 by machiro
add shibuya wi-wi-fi locations, delete duplicate shibuya stream by funtonite
Created 37 objects; Updated 10 objects; Deleted 19 objects; Confirmed 16 objects by Biebie_matsu
Updated a department_store shop by ciess
東京都中野区中野一丁目 周辺建物編集 by Ryo-a
王子神谷駅の現地調査に基づき地下道とプラットホームを追加 by umapjpnic793

