オープンストリートマップ 長崎県 2023 年 10 月 08 日の編集記録

mark buildings by Iceman1415
mark buildings by Iceman1415
mark buildings and car parks by Iceman1415
adjust road junction location by Iceman1415
mark forests and road by Iceman1415
Added/modified buildings and roads. by geohachi
Added/modified buildings, roads and coastal lines. by geohachi
slightly adjust roads by Iceman1415
mark stream, bridges crossing the stream, and connecting roads by Iceman1415
extend stream, and mark bridges by Iceman1415
mark road along stream by Iceman1415
adjust roads by Iceman1415
update roads by Iceman1415
extend stream, and mark bridges by Iceman1415
update roads by Iceman1415
mark roads by Iceman1415
fix issue of kindergarten placed on road by Iceman1415
update tags by Iceman1415
Added/modified buildings and roads. by geohachi
Added/modified buildings and roads. by geohachi

