オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2023 年 09 月 29 日の編集記録

菅原付近の建物のトレースと修正 by Wish_F
大阪府豊中市 島熊山交差点付近の地物を追加・形状修正。 by Takanori MATSUURA
大阪モノレール 少路 - 千里中央間の線路を形状修正。 by Takanori MATSUURA
Created a vending_machine by K_Sakanoshita
Survey if places (shops and other shop-like) still exist by トキーゴ
Created a swing, a slide, and a seesaw by K_Sakanoshita
酒解神社の三社宮付近の情報追加。天王山登山道沿いの案内板の修正・追加。 by taki3hira
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by トキーゴ
Specify maximum allowed weights by トキーゴ
Survey if places (shops and other shop-like) still exist by トキーゴ
Specify parking types by トキーゴ
Specify pitch surfaces by トキーゴ
Survey opening hours by トキーゴ
Specify building types by トキーゴ
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by トキーゴ
住所の情報の追加 by トキーゴ
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by トキーゴ
Specify maximum allowed weights by トキーゴ
Survey opening hours by トキーゴ
Specify toilet fees by トキーゴ
Specify wheelchair accessibility of toilets by トキーゴ
Specify path surfaces by トキーゴ
Specify maximum allowed weights by トキーゴ
Survey if places (shops and other shop-like) still exist by トキーゴ
Survey wheelchair accessibility of public transport platforms by トキーゴ
Specify whether steps have handrails by トキーゴ
Specify whether steps have a ramp by トキーゴ
Specify which way leads up for steps by トキーゴ
Specify type of entrances by トキーゴ
Specify maximum heights by トキーゴ
Survey if places still exist by トキーゴ
Specify memorial types by トキーゴ
fixed some street by yoshitk
Created a restaurant by excinit
Specify road surfaces by トキーゴ
Specify whether parking requires a fee by トキーゴ
アリオ八尾の住所 by トキーゴ
Survey whether bicycle pumps are available by トキーゴ
Specify building types by トキーゴ
建物・道路・敷地などを追加・修正 by Rakkka
fixed some street by yoshitk
Determine the heights of kerbs by トキーゴ
Specify whether kerbs have tactile paving by トキーゴ
Survey opening hours by トキーゴ
Specify maximum heights by トキーゴ
fixed some street by yoshitk
Created a restaurant by excinit
(comment なし。ぜひ何をどうしたを書いてください) by D Monk
Created a massage shop; Confirmed a fast_food by K_Sakanoshita
Created a vending_machine by K_Sakanoshita
Created a vending_machine by K_Sakanoshita
Created a vending_machine by K_Sakanoshita
Created a vending_machine by K_Sakanoshita
北区の現況に合わせた変更 by MaryHiroshige
Survey if places still exist by トキーゴ
Survey if places (shops and other shop-like) still exist by トキーゴ
Survey opening hours by トキーゴ
Specify path surfaces by トキーゴ
Specify maximum allowed weights by トキーゴ
Other edits in context of: Survey housenumbers by トキーゴ
Specify road surfaces by トキーゴ
Determine roads lane count by トキーゴ
Survey housenumbers by トキーゴ
Specify maximum heights by トキーゴ
Other edits in context of: Survey if places (shops and other shop-like) still exist by トキーゴ
Edit element by トキーゴ
Specify building types by トキーゴ

