オープンストリートマップ 愛知県 2023 年 09 月 27 日の編集記録

国土地理院オルソで道路等修正,追加 by AYAGE
#OSM streak by garudakarura
Created 3 company offices, a tree, and 2 other objects by udonf
Japan 4xx - replace long dash − with short dash - in addr:postcode by mtmail
Japan 4xx - replace long dash − with short dash - in addr:postcode by mtmail
Created an attraction by Drtachang
Created 2 attractions by Drtachang
愛知県清須市下河原周辺トレース by TKE-waka
Created an attraction by Drtachang
Created 3 attractions by Drtachang
Created an attraction by Drtachang
平栗峠公園 by bananapan
道路追加 by MPMST
変更 by MPMST
変更 by MPMST
信号編集 by MPMST
信号編集 by MPMST
信号編集 by MPMST
徳重周辺詳細化 by ichitaro
徳重周辺詳細化 by ichitaro
徳重周辺詳細化 by ichitaro
glass -> grass by fincent
landuse detalisation by trolleway

