オープンストリートマップ 東京都 2023 年 09 月 24 日の編集記録

東京都中野区 中央四丁目付近編集 by Ryo-a
東京都中野区 中央四丁目付近編集 by Ryo-a
豊島付近の現地調査に基づき道路と建物情報を追加 by umapjpnic793
Specify whether public transport stops have shelters by mike_mike2
Specify whether public transport stops have benches by mike_mike2
Specify whether public transport stops have bins by mike_mike2
Specify whether public transport stops have tactile paving by mike_mike2
Add whether public transport stops are lit by mike_mike2
Specify speed limits by mike_mike2
Specify whether roads have sidewalks by mike_mike2
Specify road surfaces by mike_mike2
Specify whether there are cycleways by mike_mike2
Specify whether steps have handrails by mike_mike2
Specify whether steps have a ramp by mike_mike2
Specify which way leads up for steps by mike_mike2
Specify access to playgrounds by mike_mike2
Specify building types by mike_mike2
"Changed image tags linking to Wikimedia to use wikipedia_commons tags or deleted broken links. #maproulette" https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/41410 by Necessarycoot72
"Changed image tags linking to Wikimedia to use wikipedia_commons tags or deleted broken links. #maproulette" https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/41410 by Necessarycoot72
Determine place names by mike_mike2
東京都内を編集 by Kkairri
制限速度が設定されている区域を変更 by mike_mike2
"Changed image tags linking to Wikimedia to use wikipedia_commons tags or deleted broken links. #maproulette" https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/41410 by Necessarycoot72
川崎市内を編集 by Kkairri
東京都中野区 中央四丁目付近編集 by Ryo-a
東京都中野区 中央四丁目付近編集 by Ryo-a
交差点を追加 by mike_mike2
タグを修正 by mike_mike2
Edit Electronics store. by saunter
車線数の変更,京王電鉄バスのタグ修正 by mike_mike2
東京都中野区 中央四丁目付近編集 by Ryo-a
道路追加等 by machiro
東京都中野区 中央四丁目付近編集 by Ryo-a
駐車場の通路を追加 by mike_mike2
北野街道, 京王電鉄バスのタグ修正 by mike_mike2
芳林公園そば ビル完成/建物名変更を反映 by maripogoda
駐車場の通路を追加 by mike_mike2
Survey housenumbers by FileX_Stuff
Specify building types by FileX_Stuff
Determine whether road construction is now completed by FileX_Stuff
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by FileX_Stuff
建物・POIを追加修正 by ffff23
歯科の名称を追加 by ffff23
Fixed unbalanced () by FileX_Stuff
東海大学の情報、設備を追加 by ffff23
新規作成 by dame ningen
東京都中野区 中央四丁目付近編集 by Ryo-a
門の位置を修正 by ffff23
東京都中野区 中央四丁目付近編集 by Ryo-a
東京都中野区 中央四丁目付近編集 by Ryo-a
Determine roads lane count by mike_mike2
東京都中野区 中央四丁目付近編集 by Ryo-a
道路追加等 by machiro
法政大学小金井キャンパス内の通路を修正 by wattmto
東京都中野区 中央四丁目付近編集 by Ryo-a
東京都中野区 中央四丁目付近編集 by Ryo-a
東京都中野区 中央四丁目付近編集 by Ryo-a
東京都中野区 中央四丁目付近編集 by Ryo-a
Japan: remove -- from addr:postcode by mtmail
Japan: replace ー with - in addr:postcode (about 30) by mtmail
住所を修正 by wattmto
Add direction to traffic signals - World #maproulette https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/38576 by wattmto
Convert water tower node to area - World #maproulette https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/38589 by wattmto
Convert water tower node to area - World #maproulette https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/38589 by wattmto
Convert water tower node to area - World #maproulette https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/38589 by wattmto
Convert water tower node to area - World #maproulette https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/38589 by wattmto
Convert water tower node to area - World #maproulette https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/38589 by wattmto
Convert water tower node to area - World #maproulette https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/38589 by wattmto
Convert water tower node to area - World #maproulette https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/38589 by wattmto
Convert water tower node to area - World #maproulette https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/38589 by wattmto
Convert water tower node to area - World #maproulette https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/38589 by wattmto
Convert water tower node to area - World #maproulette https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/38589 by wattmto
Convert water tower node to area - World #maproulette https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/38589 by wattmto
Convert water tower node to area - World #maproulette https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/38589 by wattmto
Convert playground nodes to areas - World #maproulette https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/38575 by wattmto
Convert playground nodes to areas - World #maproulette https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/38575 by wattmto
Convert playground nodes to areas - World #maproulette https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/38575 by wattmto
Convert playground nodes to areas - World #maproulette https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/38575 by wattmto
Convert playground nodes to areas - World #maproulette https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/38575 by wattmto
Convert playground nodes to areas - World #maproulette https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/38575 by wattmto
Convert playground nodes to areas - World #maproulette https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/38575 by wattmto

