オープンストリートマップ 東京都 2023 年 09 月 23 日の編集記録

タグ付けを改善 by ffff23
浅草付近の建物を追加 by maripogoda
建物を追加 by ffff23
台東区北部 建物追加 by maripogoda
ゆりのき台自治会館を追加 by t-shido
ゆりのき台にある調節池を追加 by t-shido
Few in Japan by xxxWojtekxxx
add Payment Method by 市川ゆり子
Specify building types by st1974
Specify road surfaces by st1974
Specify path surfaces by st1974
Specify crossing types by st1974
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by st1974
Specify which way leads up for steps by st1974
Specify step counts by st1974
Specify building types by FileX_Stuff
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by FileX_Stuff
Specify path surfaces by FileX_Stuff
Specify whether ways are lit by FileX_Stuff
Other edits in context of: Specify road surfaces by FileX_Stuff
Specify road surfaces by FileX_Stuff
Specify parking types by FileX_Stuff
Specify bridge structures by FileX_Stuff
Specify parking access by FileX_Stuff
Specify whether parking require a fee by FileX_Stuff
Survey if places still exist by FileX_Stuff
Specify whether steps have handrails by FileX_Stuff
Specify whether steps have a ramp by FileX_Stuff
Specify which way leads up for steps by FileX_Stuff
Specify cycleways width by FileX_Stuff
Other edits in context of: Specify path surfaces by FileX_Stuff
Specify bicycle parkings covers by FileX_Stuff
Specify whether public transport stops have benches by FileX_Stuff
Specify whether public transport stops have bins by FileX_Stuff
Specify whether public transport stops have tactile paving by FileX_Stuff
Specify whether there are cycleways by FileX_Stuff
Determine roads lane count by FileX_Stuff
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by FileX_Stuff
Specify whether traffic signals have sound signals by FileX_Stuff
Specify whether traffic signals have a button for pedestrians by FileX_Stuff
Survey opening hours by FileX_Stuff
Survey housenumbers by FileX_Stuff
Determine the heights of kerbs by FileX_Stuff
Specify whether kerbs have tactile paving by FileX_Stuff
Specify cycle barrier types by FileX_Stuff
Specify leaf types by FileX_Stuff
Survey whether places have seating by FileX_Stuff
Specify what can be recycled in recycling containers by FileX_Stuff
Determine place names by FileX_Stuff
Specify whether public transport stops have shelters by FileX_Stuff
Specify toilet fees by FileX_Stuff
Survey postbox collection times by FileX_Stuff
Survey tactile paving on steps by FileX_Stuff
Specify step counts by FileX_Stuff
Specify type of entrances by FileX_Stuff
Determine whether ATM allows depositing cash by FileX_Stuff
Set oneway = no by wattmto
Specify bicycle parkings covers by st1974
Specify building types by st1974
Specify road surfaces by st1974
Survey whether benches have backrests by st1974
Specify path surfaces by st1974
Specify access to playgrounds by st1974
Specify which way leads up for steps by st1974
Specify step counts by st1974
Add sidewalk by wattmto
神奈川県内の河川を編集 by Kkairri
Specify road surfaces by sash89
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by sash89
Specify whether traffic signals have sound signals by sash89
Specify whether traffic signals have a button for pedestrians by sash89
Specify whether traffic signals have tactile indications that it's safe to cross by sash89
Specify path surfaces by sash89
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by sash89
Specify crossing types by sash89
Determine roads lane count by sash89
Specify toilet fees by sash89
Specify wheelchair accessibility of toilets by sash89
Specify building types by sash89
Specify leaf types by sash89
Specify bridge structures by sash89
Specify drinking water types by sash89
寺院を追加 by ffff23
Survey if places still exist by sash89
Specify type of tourist informations by sash89
Survey whether benches have backrests by sash89
Specify memorial types by sash89
Specify whether steps have handrails by sash89
Specify whether steps have a ramp by sash89
Survey tactile paving on steps by sash89
Specify step counts by sash89
Determine place names by sash89
Specify road surfaces by st1974
Specify crossing types by st1974
Specify building types by st1974
Specify board types by sash89
Determine roads lane count by sash89
Survey wheelchair accessibility of public transport platforms by sash89
Specify whether traffic signals have sound signals by sash89
Specify whether traffic signals have a button for pedestrians by sash89
Specify whether traffic signals have tactile indications that it's safe to cross by sash89
Specify which way leads up for steps by sash89
Specify crossing types by sash89
Specify path surfaces by st1974
Specify whether public transport stops have shelters by st1974
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by st1974
Specify whether steps have handrails by sash89
Specify whether steps have a ramp by sash89
Specify which way leads up for steps by sash89
Survey tactile paving on steps by sash89
Specify road surfaces by sash89
Specify toilet fees by sash89
Specify wheelchair accessibility of toilets by sash89
Specify building types by sash89
Specify leaf types by sash89
Specify step counts by sash89
Specify crossing types by sash89
Survey if places (shops and other shop-like) still exist by sash89
Specify whether public transport stops have shelters by sash89
Specify whether public transport stops have benches by sash89
Specify whether public transport stops have bins by sash89
Specify whether public transport stops have tactile paving by sash89
Add whether public transport stops are lit by sash89
Survey if places still exist by sash89
Specify board types by sash89
Specify speed limits by mike_mike2
Specify whether roads have sidewalks by mike_mike2
Specify road surfaces by mike_mike2
Specify path surfaces by mike_mike2
Specify crossing types by mike_mike2
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by mike_mike2
東京都内を編集 by Kkairri
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by mike_mike2
Specify building types by mike_mike2
Survey if places still exist by mike_mike2
Specify whether there are cycleways by mike_mike2
Specify toilet fees by sash89
Specify wheelchair accessibility of toilets by sash89
Specify building types by sash89
Specify leaf types by sash89
Determine roads lane count by sash89
Specify whether public transport stops have shelters by mike_mike2
Specify whether public transport stops have benches by mike_mike2
Specify whether public transport stops have bins by mike_mike2
Specify path surfaces by mike_mike2
Specify whether roads have sidewalks by mike_mike2
Specify road surfaces by mike_mike2
Specify whether there are cycleways by mike_mike2
Specify building types by mike_mike2
Specify maximum heights by mike_mike2
Specify speed limits by mike_mike2
東十条付近の現地調査に基づき道路と建物情報を追加 by umapjpnic793
Add Jonathan, The AKIBA by 市川ゆり子
一方通行情報の入力。 by にいとみ
横断歩道に信号があることの情報の反映。 by にいとみ
横断歩道に信号があることの情報の反映。 by にいとみ
横断歩道に信号があることの情報の反映。 by にいとみ
最新情報を更新 by 8177
浅草橋駅西口付近を現地調査 by maripogoda
府中市 多摩川周辺の地物を編集 by Caledonia659
横断歩道情報の修正。 by にいとみ
横断歩道情報の修正。 by にいとみ
府中市 多摩川周辺の地物を編集 by Caledonia659
横断歩道情報の修正。 by にいとみ
横断歩道情報の反映。 by にいとみ
横断歩道情報の修正。 by にいとみ
神谷付近の現地調査に基づき道路と建物情報を追加 by umapjpnic793
横断歩道情報の反映。 by にいとみ
信号機の入力。 by にいとみ
横断歩道情報の反映。 by にいとみ
信号機の入力。 by にいとみ
信号機の入力。 by にいとみ
信号機の入力。 by にいとみ
信号機の入力。 by にいとみ
信号機の入力。 by にいとみ
横断歩道情報の修正。 by にいとみ
檜原村 林道入間白岩線周辺の地物を編集 by Caledonia659
信号機の入力。 by にいとみ
横断歩道情報の修正。 by にいとみ
横断歩道情報の反映。 by にいとみ
横断歩道情報の反映。 by にいとみ
信号機の反映。 by にいとみ
信号機の反映。 by にいとみ
田無町五丁目付近をマッピング by 8177
信号機の反映。 by にいとみ
信号機の反映。 by にいとみ
一方通行情報の入力。 by にいとみ
一方通行情報の入力。 by にいとみ
一方通行情報の入力。 by にいとみ
店舗情報の反映。 by にいとみ
店舗情報の反映。 by にいとみ
浅草橋〜馬喰町のあたりを現地調査 by maripogoda
馬喰町のあたりを現地調査 by maripogoda

