オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2023 年 09 月 10 日の編集記録

大阪府豊中市 北緑丘団地線付近の地物を追加・形状修正。 by Takanori MATSUURA
大阪府豊中市 北緑丘団地線付近の地物を追加・形状修正。 by Takanori MATSUURA
大阪府貝塚市  外5箇所 by YYYuuuuu
泉佐野丘陵緑地 by YYYuuuuu
update Osaka Temmangu by OhanaUnited
大阪府泉佐野市 by YYYuuuuu
大阪府貝塚市 by YYYuuuuu
大阪府泉南市 by YYYuuuuu
大阪府泉佐野市、熊取町 by YYYuuuuu
建物名付与 by MaryHiroshige
Created 22 house buildings, 5 vending_machines, and 20 other objects; Updated 62 house buildings, 25 buildings, and 46 other objects; Deleted a vending_machine; Confirmed a restaurant by Wish_F
中野駐車場 by MaryHiroshige
Fix layering by tutuw002
西淡路付近のEvery doorでの編集の修正と補足 by Wish_F
'incline' by mueschel
remove unnecessary opening_hours:covid19, repeating opening_hours (opening_hours:covid19 is not a good idea as Covid is not temporary) by Mateusz Konieczny - bot account
西淡路付近のEvery doorでの編集の修正と補足、建物のトレース by Wish_F
建物名称の誤りを修正 by MaryHiroshige
Added/updated buildings and other POIs. Added oneway:bicycle=no tag to highways with oneway tag. by okadatsuneo
西淡路付近のEvery doorでの編集の修正と補足、道路の修正、タグの修正 by Wish_F
A by grandpa917
remove unnecessary opening_hours:covid19, repeating opening_hours (opening_hours:covid19 is not a good idea as Covid is not temporary) by Mateusz Konieczny - bot account
Added/updated buildings and other POIs. Added oneway:bicycle=no tag to highways with oneway tag. by okadatsuneo

