オープンストリートマップ 東京都 2023 年 09 月 03 日の編集記録

建物の追加をしました by Vaporeon2801
国立 by さすらいのマッパー
改造された像。 by 12caracteres
改造された像。 by 12caracteres
東京都 新宿区 新宿駅東口 更新 by KKK-jp
道路追加等 by machiro
Specify whether steps have handrails by Amuk
add highways and buildings by higa4
八王子市 店舗内容を編集 by Caledonia659
add highways and buildings by higa4
23区南西部の河川のリレーションを作成 by Kkairri
Add English name by lyallc
Remove erroneous street names by lyallc
Update Welcia Drug by lyallc
Update Family Mart tags by lyallc
Remove erroneous street name by lyallc
Remove erroneous street name by lyallc
Mark street as not one way by lyallc
飯能 青梅 by 芋けんぴ
add wikidata tags by higa4
町屋付近を現地調査 by maripogoda
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
住宅街の道路へ属性変更 30km設定 by SD 永田
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
住宅街の道路へ属性変更 30km設定 by SD 永田
AED追加 by maripogoda
速度制限記入 by maripogoda
住宅街の道路へ属性変更 30km設定 by SD 永田
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
深沢周辺を編集 by Kkairri
新規登録 by Toshi_
情報更新 by Toshi_
Q906348 by bouzinac
Q29663 by bouzinac
錦糸町付近 住所など記入、消火栓追加 by maripogoda
案内地図を記入 by kawah64
新規登録 by Toshi_
駐輪場に追記 by kawah64
add wikidata tags by higa4
Add Omusubi Gombee by 市川ゆり子
Specify building types by julianwong
Specify whether water is drinkable by julianwong
Survey housenumbers by julianwong
Specify building types by trafficone
Specify building and roof levels by trafficone
Determine place names by trafficone
Survey whether places have vegetarian food by trafficone
Survey housenumbers by trafficone
Determine whether building construction is now completed by trafficone
道路追加等 by machiro
fixed some street by yoshitk
add wikidata tags by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
add wikidata tags by higa4
神奈川県内の編集 by Esquivalience_Argleton
add wikidata tags by higa4
東京都世田谷区下馬周辺の道路建物をGSImapにて編集 by ikiya
JR中央線にname:jaを設定ほか by Esquivalience_Argleton
東京都世田谷区下馬周辺の道路建物をGSImapにて編集 by ikiya
新規登録 by Toshi_
tokyo nodes by asutekku
神谷付近の現地調査に基づき道路と建物情報を追加 by umapjpnic793
王子付近の現地調査に基づき道路と建物情報を追加 by umapjpnic793
建物の追加をしました by Vaporeon2801

