オープンストリートマップ 長野県 2023 年 08 月 27 日の編集記録

おたり名産館の電話番号追加。小谷村郷土館内のトイレ追加 by taki3hira
Added landuse winter_sports are with tags for name, nam:en and contact:website. by spreaderman
Added landuse winter_sports are with tags for name, nam:en and contact:website. by spreaderman
Added landuse winter_sports are with tags for name, nam:en and contact:website. by spreaderman
Added landuse winter_sports are with tags for name, nam:en and contact:website. by spreaderman
Added landuse winter_sports are with tags for name, nam:en and contact:website. by spreaderman
Added landuse winter_sports are with tags for name, nam:en and contact:website. by spreaderman
Added landuse winter_sports are with tags for name, nam:en and contact:website. by spreaderman
Changed the line outline to area by spreaderman
Added landuse winter_sports are with tags for name, nam:en and contact:website. by spreaderman
Created 3 atms by Monzkie
韮崎市ー南牧村 硫黄岳ー赤岳周辺の地物を編集 by Caledonia659
トイレ by NORI9832
青鬼地区のガッタリのタグ修正 by taki3hira
fixed typo バス会社のkey変更 by taki3hira
分類変更 by NORI9832
タグ変更 by NORI9832
閉店 by NORI9832

