オープンストリートマップ 滋賀県 2023 年 08 月 24 日の編集記録

丸山幹線 丸山変電所〜関開閉所〜甲賀変電所 うち「201 丸山幹線(関〜甲賀)」が3つに分裂していたので引き直した by frai-b
建物、道路の位置修正 by salada2022
Added landuse winter_sports are with tags for name, nam:en and contact:website. by spreaderman
Added landuse winter_sports are with tags for name, nam:en and contact:website. by spreaderman
Added landuse winter_sports are with tags for name, nam:en and contact:website. by spreaderman
Added landuse winter_sports are with tags for name, nam:en and contact:website. by spreaderman
Added landuse winter_sports are with tags for name, nam:en and contact:website. by spreaderman
add wikidata tags within Shiga Prefecture, JP-25, Japan by higa4
Add bike route by Ikuta

