オープンストリートマップ 東京都 2023 年 07 月 30 日の編集記録

Tag change by Airfall
埼玉西部 by 芋けんぴ
add wikidata tags by higa4
Restoring version 4 of node 2002759406 by nyampire
Restoring version 1 of node 10873437732 by nyampire
変更セットコメントで指摘されていた、初心者による編集を修正 by nyampire
Add footpath in Toyosu Gurumi Park north of 富士見橋 by Patrick Lehner
live image by Mapillox
Add footpath in Toyosu Gurumi Park at western corner by Patrick Lehner
Adjust border of Toyosu Gurumi Park and Toyosu Market (6th block) at western edge by Patrick Lehner
Add more footpaths in Toyosu Gurumi Park at western corner by Patrick Lehner
Specify whether ways are lit by trafficone
Specify building types by trafficone
Specify path surfaces by trafficone
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by trafficone
Specify road surfaces by trafficone
Specify parking access by trafficone
Specify whether parking require a fee by trafficone
Survey if places (shops and other shop-like) still exist by trafficone
Specify whether public transport stops have shelters by trafficone
Specify whether public transport stops have benches by trafficone
Specify whether public transport stops have tactile paving by trafficone
Survey shop types by trafficone
Specify crossing types by trafficone
Specify parking types by trafficone
小田急相模原駅北口周辺の編集、小田急線のリレーションのタグ更新ほか(相模原市南区南台・座間市相模が丘) by Oos1812
Dパーキング by ffff23
間違ったタグ付けを修正。to height by umapjpnic793
より適切な住所の表現方法に変更 not used addr:street by umapjpnic793
より適切な住所の表現方法に変更 not used addr:street by umapjpnic793
より適切な住所の表現方法に変更 not used addr:street by umapjpnic793
より適切な住所の表現方法に変更 not used addr:street by umapjpnic793
より適切な住所の表現方法に変更 not used addr:street by umapjpnic793
より適切な住所の表現方法に変更 not used addr:street by umapjpnic793
より適切な住所の表現方法に変更 not used addr:street by umapjpnic793
より適切な住所の表現方法に変更 not used addr:street by umapjpnic793
より適切な住所の表現方法に変更 not used addr:street by umapjpnic793
より適切な住所の表現方法に変更 not used addr:street by umapjpnic793
より適切な住所の表現方法に変更 not used addr:street by umapjpnic793
より適切な住所の表現方法に変更 not used addr:street by umapjpnic793
より適切な住所の表現方法に変更 by umapjpnic793
調布 by さすらいのマッパー
より適切な住所の表現方法に変更 not used addr:street by umapjpnic793
add highways and buildings by higa4
より適切な住所の表現方法に変更 not used addr:street by umapjpnic793
より適切な住所の表現方法に変更 not used addr:street by umapjpnic793
両新田西町周辺 反映 by hiroppy
add wikidata tags by higa4
東十条付近の行政境界を入力 by umapjpnic793
神谷付近の行政境界を入力 by umapjpnic793
王子北部付近の行政境界を入力 by umapjpnic793
東十条サンハイツの階層を修正 by umapjpnic793
山梨県 上野原丹波山線周辺の地物を編集 by Caledonia659
東十条一丁目の行政境界を入力 by umapjpnic793

