オープンストリートマップ 岐阜県 2023 年 07 月 24 日の編集記録

情報の修正 by Tsukamoto Keishi
情報の修正 by Tsukamoto Keishi
情報の修正 by Tsukamoto Keishi
add building by Tmt0141
情報の修正 by Tsukamoto Keishi
情報の修正 by Tsukamoto Keishi
情報の修正 by Tsukamoto Keishi
情報の修正 by Tsukamoto Keishi
情報の修正 by Tsukamoto Keishi
情報の修正 by Tsukamoto Keishi
Specify road surfaces by Talon_Libre
情報の修正 by Tsukamoto Keishi
情報の修正 by Tsukamoto Keishi
情報の修正 by Tsukamoto Keishi
Minor cleanup based on road data at gsi.jp and personal knowledge by Jeffrey Friedl
情報の修正 by Tsukamoto Keishi
Updates base on road data at gsi.jp and personal knowledge. by Jeffrey Friedl
情報の修正 by Tsukamoto Keishi
情報の修正 by Tsukamoto Keishi
Updates base on road data at gsi.jp and personal knowledge. by Jeffrey Friedl
情報の修正 by Tsukamoto Keishi
Updates base on road data at gsi.jp and personal knowledge. by Jeffrey Friedl
A road that is not open to ANY traffic is NOT a "Trunk Road" in the OpenStreetMap world by Jeffrey Friedl
多治見犬山線 is barely a road at all, and CERTAINLY NOT a "Primary Road" in the OpenStreetMap world. You can call it whatever you want on your own map, but with OpenStreetMap you must follow OpenStreetMap rules. by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates base on road data at gsi.jp and personal knowledge. by Jeffrey Friedl
Updates based on satellite photos by Jeffrey Friedl

