オープンストリートマップ 東京都 2023 年 07 月 17 日の編集記録

Added features to the park by Airfall
西武新宿駅・東急歌舞伎町タワー内通路追加など by 近場行き
added crossings:markings tags, etc by Sohlman
added crossings:markings tags, etc by Sohlman
added crossings:markings tags, etc by Sohlman
added crossings:markings tags, etc by Sohlman
added crossings:markings tags, etc by Sohlman
added crossings:markings tags, etc by Sohlman
added crossings:markings tags, etc by Sohlman
added crossings:markings tags, etc by Sohlman
add wikidata tags by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
Add pedestrian streets by Ikuta
Fix road by Ikuta
Created 6 restaurants, 6 pubs, and 15 other objects; Updated a restaurant and a pub; Confirmed 3 cafes, a fast_food, and 6 other objects by higa4
住所追加、営業時間の修正を行いました。 by Tomokazu Ito
Created 9 pubs, 6 restaurants, and 6 other objects; Updated 2 pubs, 2 restaurants, and 5 other objects; Confirmed 4 restaurants, 4 fast_foods, and 17 other objects by higa4
Created 3 restaurants, 2 memorials, and 13 other objects; Updated 2 place_of_worships, a social_facility, and a motorcycle shop; Confirmed 3 place_of_worships, 2 fast_foods, and 6 other objects by higa4
Created a place_of_worship; Updated a place_of_worship; Confirmed a kindergarten and a place_of_worship by higa4
Created 5 pubs, 3 place_of_worships, and 6 other objects; Updated 8 place_of_worships; Confirmed 2 convenience shops, 2 place_of_worships, and 4 other objects by higa4
速度設定20km と路地へ設定変更(デイサービスの送迎車の走行注意喚起) by SD 永田
Created 2 community_centres, a pub, and 6 other objects; Updated a supermarket shop; Deleted a convenience shop; Confirmed a bicycle_rental by higa4
Created a stationery shop, a community_centre, and a cafe; Updated a convenience shop by higa4
東京都 羽村市 小作駅 更新 by KKK-jp
東京都 奥多摩町 発電所 タグ訂正 by KKK-jp
道路追加等 by machiro
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
道路追加等 by machiro
道路追加等 by machiro
道路追加等 by machiro
道路追加等 by machiro
道路追加等 by machiro
二ヶ領用水沿いの地物を作成 by muramototomoya
敷地内道路情報の作成 by SD 永田
道路追加等 by machiro
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
二ヶ領用水沿いの地物を作成 by muramototomoya
add highways and buildings by higa4
小平市ー東大和市ー立川市 玉川上水周辺の地物を編集 by Caledonia659
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
道路追加等 by machiro

