オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2023 年 07 月 07 日の編集記録

Add/Update(adjust): 若松台 (buildings, roads, tags, shape) by harumiusinc
shop=rice by Mzaki
古川橋変電所から国道1号付近の送電塔までの間は地下化されたもよう 途中経路について本数や変電所設備などを調査して追記 by frai-b
建物。 by icaro98
shop=rice by Mzaki
shop=rice by Mzaki
shop=rice by Mzaki
道路の補正と建物。 by icaro98
shop=rice by Mzaki
shop=rice by Mzaki
Import of HelloCycling cycle ports: 兵庫県 by okadatsuneo_import
Update(adjust): tags, rocal roads, POIs. by harumiusinc
shop=rice by Mzaki
パークスガーデン by nopogono
set info by nakahogehoge
店名を修正した。 by yueno0730
郵便番号を修正した。 by yueno0730
houses. by aerozel
fixing links to nonexisting wikipedia articles, detected by https://matkoniecz.github.io/OSM-wikipedia-tag-validator-reports/ https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/40012 by ivanbranco
Added/updated buildings and other POIs. by okadatsuneo
Added website. by okadatsuneo
Created a vending_machine by K_Sakanoshita
Added/updated buildings and other POIs. by okadatsuneo
Specify road surfaces by Shinji Enoki
Added/updated power lines and other POIs. by okadatsuneo
Created a bar by K_Sakanoshita
Added/updated power lines and other POIs. by okadatsuneo
Add/Update(adjust): tags, sidewalks, forest(wood). by harumiusinc
Added/updated power lines and other POIs. by okadatsuneo
Updated a building by K_Sakanoshita
Created a laundry shop by K_Sakanoshita
Created a pub and a karaoke_box by K_Sakanoshita
Updated 53 buildings and 2 house buildings by K_Sakanoshita
Added/updated power lines and other POIs. by okadatsuneo

