オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2023 年 07 月 05 日の編集記録

小学校の石碑位置等の修正 by Wish_F
Add/Update(adjust): 三原台一丁周辺 (buildings, tags, shop by harumiusinc
建物。 by icaro98
道路の補正と建物。 by icaro98
都市広場 by nopogono
路線情報を修正 by taketaketake
houses. by aerozel
Added/updated buildings and other POIs. by okadatsuneo
Created a train_station building; Confirmed a convenience shop by Wish_F
Created a fitness_centre; Deleted a bakery shop by Wish_F
南方駅周辺の歩行者動線と道路の修正、スポット情報の追加修正 by Wish_F
南方駅のリレーションの修正 by Wish_F
Added/updated buildings and other POIs. by okadatsuneo
Added/updated buildings and other POIs. by okadatsuneo
Added/updated buildings and other POIs. by okadatsuneo
Added/updated buildings and other POIs. by okadatsuneo

