オープンストリートマップ 広島県 2023 年 06 月 19 日の編集記録

osmi routing view fixes by ratrun
尾道シェア周辺 by SleepyKeita
廿日市市の峠の情報を追加 by nmaruichi
banboo -> wood by fincent
banboo -> wood by fincent
banboo -> wood by fincent
変更セット #137514152 の誤りを修正 by nmaruichi
廿日市市道の名称追加(WoodManバイクコース) by nmaruichi
this is not really a beach for its size, just a bunch of (dirty) sand by jengelh
extend tunnel section to represent reality better by jengelh
set surface by jengelh

