オープンストリートマップ 東京都 2023 年 06 月 12 日の編集記録

玉川上水駅周辺の地物を編集 by Caledonia659
八王子市 案内川ー南浅川ー浅川周辺の地物を編集 by Caledonia659
八王子市 美山通りー戸沢峠ー上川周辺の地物を編集 by Caledonia659
八王子市 美山通りー戸沢峠ー上川周辺の地物を編集 by Caledonia659
道路追加等 by machiro
道路追加等 by machiro
店舗 by penguin_the_dawn
店舗 by penguin_the_dawn
店舗 by penguin_the_dawn
道路線形修正 by yoshiosaito
道路追加等 by machiro
店舗 by penguin_the_dawn
大きめな緑地を garden/private で追加。 by Jun Kuriyama
日本料理 `ただ今` を追加 by Jun Kuriyama
建物の特徴的なカーブを再現 by Jun Kuriyama
塩入小路ビルの駐車場、階段をマップ by Jun Kuriyama
庭の中の池を追加 by Jun Kuriyama
塩入小路のビル名追加 by Jun Kuriyama
場所を間違えていた by Jun Kuriyama
建物住所を記入 by maripogoda
建物住所を記入 by maripogoda
undefined Building mapping in #InagiCity #DRONEBIRD #CrisisMappersJapan #FuruhashiLab #YouthMappersAGU by kmjl
上野付近 建物住所記入 by maripogoda
東上野付近 建物住所記入 by maripogoda
羽田線東品川・鮫洲区間 by Mzaki
新規作成 by Su1su1
新規作成 by Su1su1
新規作成 by Su1su1
undefined Building mapping in #InagiCity #DRONEBIRD #CrisisMappersJapan #FuruhashiLab #YouthMappersAGU by taoco
undefined Building mapping in #InagiCity #DRONEBIRD #CrisisMappersJapan #FuruhashiLab #YouthMappersAGU by taoco
Updated and added detail to Temple University Japan Campus by TheMrCG
undefined Building mapping in #InagiCity #DRONEBIRD #CrisisMappersJapan #FuruhashiLab #YouthMappersAGU by taoco
undefined Building mapping in #InagiCity #DRONEBIRD #CrisisMappersJapan #FuruhashiLab #YouthMappersAGU by kkuku
道路追加等 by machiro
undefined Building mapping in #InagiCity #DRONEBIRD #CrisisMappersJapan #FuruhashiLab #YouthMappersAGU by kkuku
名称の追加・修正 by furorat
名称の追加・修正 by furorat
道路追加等 by machiro
道路追加等 by machiro
add highways and buildings by higa4
Survey housenumbers by lainus
Specify parking types by lainus
Determine roads lane count by lainus
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
会社名 by Kahuko
undefined Building mapping in #InagiCity #DRONEBIRD #CrisisMappersJapan #FuruhashiLab #YouthMappersAGU by ケンケンケンケン
Updated "name" to match "name:ja" by serasmus
undefined Building mapping in #InagiCity #DRONEBIRD #CrisisMappersJapan #FuruhashiLab #YouthMappersAGU by ケンケンケンケン
undefined Building mapping in #InagiCity #DRONEBIRD #CrisisMappersJapan #FuruhashiLab #YouthMappersAGU by ケンケンケンケン
undefined Building mapping in #InagiCity #DRONEBIRD #CrisisMappersJapan #FuruhashiLab #YouthMappersAGU by ケンケンケンケン
墨田区 建物追加 by maripogoda
本所付近の建物を追加 by maripogoda
三ツ目通り沿いの横断歩道を追加 by maripogoda
業平付近 横断歩道・停止線を追加 by maripogoda
建物をトレース by red_mokuri
業平〜太平付近 横断歩道と停止線を記入 by maripogoda
loosely-bent road alignment based on "Geospatial Information Authority of Japan" map by zyxzyx
横断歩道と停止線を追加 by maripogoda
横断歩道と停止線を追加 by maripogoda
柳橋付近 停止線と横断歩道を記入 by maripogoda
蔵前付近 横断歩道と停止線を記入 by maripogoda
蔵前付近 停止線と横断歩道を記入 by maripogoda

