オープンストリートマップ 熊本県 2023 年 06 月 07 日の編集記録

changed street access and type; this might not be accessable by car by osmtrvl
missing street by osmtrvl
shrine and wood borders by osmtrvl
Japan: convert addr:postcode numbers 123-4567 to 123-4567 (about 50 places) by mtmail
Japan: convert addr:postcode numbers 123-4567 to 123-4567 (about 50 places) by mtmail
add wikidata tags by higa4
add wikidata tags within Kumamoto Prefecture, JP-43, Japan by higa4
Add Convenience store. by hiroshi40
add wikidata tags within Fukuoka Prefecture, JP-40, Japan by higa4
add wikidata tags within Oita Prefecture, JP-44, Japan by higa4

