オープンストリートマップ 長野県 2023 年 06 月 05 日の編集記録

北杜市 小淵沢町の地物を編集 by Caledonia659
Japan: convert addr:postcode numbers 1234567 to 1234567 (about 20 places) by mtmail
Created an attraction by GrotesqueThree
Created a museum by GrotesqueThree
Created a museum by GrotesqueThree
飯田霊地公園 by bananapan
update POI tag by soprano1125
大鹿村役場 by bananapan
update POI tag by soprano1125
update POI tag by soprano1125
add relation by soprano1125
林道名称を追加 by ganchan183
林道名称を追加 by ganchan183
Divided large farmland area. Updated highways. by okadatsuneo
Added farmlands and other POIs.. Updated highways. by okadatsuneo

