オープンストリートマップ 神奈川県 2023 年 05 月 30 日の編集記録

建物をトレース by red_mokuri
区役所通りの歩道を追加 by udonf
歩道を接続 by udonf
速度規制を更新しました。 by shonanboy
速度規制を更新しました。 by shonanboy
速度規制を更新しました。 by shonanboy
Changed road type by shonanboy
Specify whether steps have handrails by udonf
Specify whether steps have a ramp by udonf
Specify which way leads up for steps by udonf
Specify path surfaces by udonf
Specify crossing types by udonf
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by udonf
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by udonf
Specify bollard types by udonf
Specify whether ways are lit by udonf
Specify building types by udonf
Determine roads lane count by udonf
Determine road widths by udonf
Specify parking access by udonf
Specify whether parking require a fee by udonf
Specify parking types by udonf
Specify religion for wayside shrines by udonf
Specify railway crossing barriers type by udonf
Specify whether roads have sidewalks by udonf
Specify whether public transport stops have shelters by udonf
Specify whether public transport stops have benches by udonf
Specify whether public transport stops have bins by udonf
Specify whether public transport stops have tactile paving by udonf
Add whether public transport stops are lit by udonf
Survey opening hours by udonf
Specify toilet fees by udonf
Survey tactile paving on steps by udonf
updated by shonanboy
駐輪場を追加 by udonf
changed by shonanboy
新横浜の祠、施設を追加 by udonf
建物を追加 by ffff23
横浜市 暗渠 白旗川 by kuraki6
自転車レーンを片側に修正 by udonf
建物の形を調整 by red_mokuri

