オープンストリートマップ 兵庫県 2023 年 05 月 26 日の編集記録

兵庫県加古郡播磨町の建物、太陽光パネル、カーポート、歩道、街路樹の追加 #codeforharima,#Onebyone,#MappyHourJapan,#kakogawa70,#SmartCity,#スマートシティ、#高砂ちゃいくりんぐ by harimawood
龍門寺境内の案内板や樹木などを追加 by taki3hira
歩道に点字ブロックが敷設されている区間をタグ付け by Landsol
Added/updated POIs. by okadatsuneo
Added/updated amenities and other POIs. by okadatsuneo
path positioning and details by osmtrvl
add more detail to area by osmtrvl
Added/updated POIs. by okadatsuneo
Survey housenumbers by Shinji Enoki
Specify building types by Shinji Enoki
Survey postbox collection times by Shinji Enoki
Created a clock and a board by Shinji Enoki
Updated a detached building by Shinji Enoki
Updated an apartments building by Shinji Enoki
Updated an apartments building by Shinji Enoki
Updated an apartments building by Shinji Enoki
Created a vending_machine by Shinji Enoki

