オープンストリートマップ 東京都 2023 年 05 月 23 日の編集記録

建物の追加をしました by Vaporeon2801
矢野口 by さすらいのマッパー
Survey if places (shops and other shop-like) still exist by j402
Specify building types by j402
Specify road surfaces by Amuk
Determine roads lane count by Amuk
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by Amuk
Specify building types by Amuk
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by Amuk
Specify whether traffic signals have sound signals by Amuk
Specify whether traffic signals have a button for pedestrians by Amuk
Specify whether traffic signals have tactile indications that it's safe to cross by Amuk
Specify crossing types by Amuk
Specify whether public transport stops have shelters by Amuk
Specify whether public transport stops have benches by Amuk
Specify whether public transport stops have bins by Amuk
Specify whether public transport stops have tactile paving by Amuk
Determine public transport stop names by Amuk
Add whether public transport stops are lit by Amuk
Specify whether narrow roads are one-ways by Amuk
Specify building types by Amuk
Determine roads lane count by Amuk
東京都 羽村市 羽東2丁目 再開発エリア 更新 by KKK-jp
東京都 羽村市 羽東2丁目 再開発エリア 更新 by KKK-jp
revert changeset 124027962 (import without consulting) by nyampire
練馬区立 総合体育館 by Mzaki
高野台 by Mzaki
高野台 by Mzaki
東京都 羽村市 川崎1丁目 再開発エリア 更新 by KKK-jp
道路追加等 by machiro
変更 by Building_t
追加 by Building_t
Edited poi by bvarick
東京都 羽村市 羽東2丁目 再開発エリア 更新 by KKK-jp
道路追加等 by machiro
東京都 青梅市 石垣 更新 by KKK-jp
東京都 羽村市 羽東2丁目 再開発エリア 更新 by KKK-jp
Specify road surfaces by Amuk
Add whether public transport stops are lit by Amuk
Survey postbox collection times by Amuk
Specify road surfaces by Amuk
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by Amuk
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by Amuk
Specify whether traffic signals have sound signals by Amuk
Specify whether traffic signals have a button for pedestrians by Amuk
Specify whether traffic signals have tactile indications that it's safe to cross by Amuk
Determine roads lane count by Amuk
Determine road widths by Amuk
Specify building types by Amuk
Specify parking access by Amuk
Specify parking types by Amuk
Specify which way leads up for steps by Amuk
Specify path surfaces by Amuk
CR200J by 快的老鼠宝宝
Created a handicraft, a shoes shop, and 2 other objects; Updated a building, a gift shop, and a supermarket shop; Deleted a florist shop; Confirmed a florist shop, a pub, and a cafe by Biebie_matsu
Specify building types by Amuk
Add Theatre. by samon53
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
add highways and buildings by higa4
道路をトレース by red_mokuri
