オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2023 年 05 月 20 日の編集記録

remove copy and paste error by mueschel
Add/Update(adjust,fix): POIs, tags, residential roads, sidewalks, buildings. by harumiusinc
道路の補正と建物。 by icaro98
道路の補正と建物。 by icaro98
houses. by aerozel
houses. by aerozel
現地調査(2023-05-20)の反映 店舗が入れ替わっているので最新状況に更新 by mds878
Created 8 vending_machines, 2 car_rentals, and 5 other objects; Updated 9 apartments buildings, 6 buildings, and 6 other objects; Confirmed a pub by Wish_F
Created a fast_food by K_Sakanoshita
Created 7 vending_machines, 4 benches, and 23 other objects; Updated 12 apartments buildings, 8 house buildings, and 17 other objects; Deleted 6 buildings, a house building, and a post_box by Wish_F
Created 2 vending_machines, a house building, and a building; Updated 6 house buildings, 3 buildings, and 5 other objects; Deleted 2 buildings by Wish_F
Updated 2 apartments buildings by Wish_F
Created a fire_hydrant by Wish_F
Created a defibrillator by iroak
泉大津市の畑、建物追加修正(5月20日-1)#MappyHourJapan by くっすん
泉大津市の畑追加(5月20日-2)#MappyHourJapan by くっすん
泉大津市の畑追加、建物滅失(5月20日-3)#MappyHourJapan by くっすん
泉大津市の畑追加(5月20日-4)#MappyHourJapan by くっすん
路面情報の追加等(泉佐野市、貝塚市、岸和田市、泉大津市など) by Lactone
