オープンストリートマップ 愛知県 2023 年 05 月 05 日の編集記録

Relation of Aichi Prefectural Road 193 is added by ChizuKatsu
#OSM streak by garudakarura
未記載であった建物の追加と撤去された建物の削除 by kkoji
Relation of Aichi Prefectural Road 147 is updated by ChizuKatsu
Relation of Aichi Prefectural Road 183 is added by ChizuKatsu
情報の修正 by Tsukamoto Keishi
Relation of Aichi Prefectural Road 187 is added by ChizuKatsu
Created a grave_yard, a toilet, and a gate; Updated 2 buildings, a bank building, and an escalator building by Ottawajin
未記載であった建物の追加と撤去された建物の削除 by kkoji
Created a toilet; Updated a retail building by Ottawajin
詳細修正 by qaz2020
詳細修正 by qaz2020
Created a fast_food by Ottawajin
Updated a building and an apartments building by Ottawajin
美浜緑苑駅周辺の圃場を追加 by takeos
