オープンストリートマップ 東京都 2023 年 03 月 30 日の編集記録

航空法OKで、土日と火曜日などにドローン、飛行機、ヘリコプタを飛ばす地域追加。 by Big Gay Al
Update outlines and fill in information. Used KIBAN2500 as a reference and checked against street level photos from Aug 2022 by robertgzr
Change type to guest apartment by robertgzr
Add wikidata tag by Ikuta
Add bicycle route by Ikuta
Add wikidata tag by Ikuta
Specify road surfaces by Thanatica
Specify speed limits by Thanatica
Specify whether public transport stops have bins by Thanatica
Specify whether public transport stops have tactile paving by Thanatica
Add whether public transport stops are lit by Thanatica
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by Thanatica
Specify path surfaces by Thanatica
Determine the heights of kerbs by Thanatica
Specify whether kerbs have tactile paving by Thanatica
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by Thanatica
Specify maximum heights by Thanatica
Determine roads lane count by Thanatica
Specify whether public transport stops have benches by Thanatica
Specify whether public transport stops have shelters by Thanatica
Survey wheelchair accessibility of public transport platforms by Thanatica
Specify toilet fees by Thanatica
Determine road widths by Thanatica
Specify whether narrow roads are one-ways by Thanatica
Specify whether there are crossings at intersections of paths and roads by Thanatica
Specify crossing types by Thanatica
Specify bollard types by Thanatica
Specify whether steps have handrails by Thanatica
Specify whether steps have a ramp by Thanatica
Specify which way leads up for steps by Thanatica
Specify sidewalk surfaces by Thanatica
Specify step counts by Thanatica
Specify leaf types by Thanatica
Specify tracktypes by Thanatica
Determine place names by Thanatica
Specify memorial types by Thanatica
Specify board types by Thanatica
Specify religion for places of worship by Thanatica
Survey if places still exist by Thanatica
Survey whether benches have backrests by Thanatica
Specify wheelchair accessibility of toilets by Thanatica
Specify fire hydrant positions by Thanatica
Specify drinking water types by Thanatica
Specify maximum allowed weights by Thanatica
Specify building types by trafficone
Survey whether places have vegetarian food by trafficone
Survey whether places have vegan food by trafficone
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by wuschelhase
Specify whether traffic signals have sound signals by wuschelhase
Specify whether traffic signals have a button for pedestrians by wuschelhase
Specify whether traffic signals have tactile indications that it's safe to cross by wuschelhase
Specify board types by wuschelhase
Specify path surfaces by wuschelhase
Specify path surfaces by wuschelhase
Survey if places still exist by wuschelhase
Specify maximum heights by Alfenstein
Specify path surfaces by wuschelhase
Specify whether public transport stops have benches by wuschelhase
Specify whether public transport stops have bins by wuschelhase
Specify toilet fees by wuschelhase
Specify road surfaces by wuschelhase
松が谷付近 建物解体を反映 by maripogoda
かっぱばし ホテル完成 by maripogoda
Specify path surfaces by wuschelhase
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by wuschelhase
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by wuschelhase
Specify whether traffic signals have sound signals by wuschelhase
Specify whether traffic signals have a button for pedestrians by wuschelhase
Specify whether traffic signals have tactile indications that it's safe to cross by wuschelhase
Specify fire hydrant positions by wuschelhase
Survey whether benches have backrests by wuschelhase
Specify road surfaces by wuschelhase
Survey if places still exist by wuschelhase
Created 7 pubs, 4 restaurants, and 5 other objects; Updated 3 restaurants, a cafe, and 2 other objects; Confirmed a beauty shop by Biebie_matsu
correccin de errores by Carlos_N
Created 5 restaurants, 5 pubs, and 5 other objects; Updated 2 buildings, a fast_food, and a bar by Biebie_matsu
Created a restaurant and a pharmacy by Biebie_matsu
Created a restaurant by AlexKashin
add highways and buildings by higa4
店舗情報を追加、住所等を修正、駐車場のブランドを変更 by ffff23
微修正 by seichan1028
Update and add some buildings. by Biebie_matsu
赤羽西付近の現地調査に基づき道路と建物情報を追加 by umapjpnic793
竣工しました。 by Haokang Den
ローソンストア100、駐車場を追加。交通制限を追加 by ffff23
一時集合場所を追加 (竹町公園) by maripogoda
Specify path surfaces by wuschelhase
Survey wheelchair accessibility of public transport platforms by wuschelhase
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by wuschelhase
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by wuschelhase
Specify whether traffic signals have sound signals by wuschelhase
Specify whether traffic signals have a button for pedestrians by wuschelhase
Specify whether traffic signals have tactile indications that it's safe to cross by wuschelhase
柳北公園の遊具リニューアル by maripogoda
Determine the heights of kerbs by wuschelhase
Specify whether kerbs have tactile paving by wuschelhase
Specify crossing types by wuschelhase
Specify road surfaces by wuschelhase
Determine roads lane count by wuschelhase
竹町公園前 建物解体を反映 by maripogoda
道路を接続 by maripogoda
ホテルにtourismタグを追加 by maripogoda
パルコヤ上野の地下食品街オープン by maripogoda
