オープンストリートマップ 長野県 2023 年 03 月 23 日の編集記録

長野市内主要幹線道路見直し by mtakemae
北信五岳道路を主要地方道に変更 by mtakemae
北村輪店廃業 by mtakemae
パチンコ大使館が廃業し、跡地にマンションが建った by mtakemae
八王子神社 by bananapan
森林洛の道 by bananapan
なかざわ歯科クリニック追加 by mtakemae
ヨキトギの道 by bananapan
清水歯科クリニック廃業 by mtakemae
アウディ長野、長野トヨペット東和田店追加 by mtakemae
朝陽団地内道路種別見直し by mtakemae
北部高校、三水小学校、保育園追加 by mtakemae
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Update mountain info by ItsukiU
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify road surfaces by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify building types by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify maximum heights by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Determine whether ATM allows depositing cash by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify path surfaces by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Survey opening hours by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify parking access by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether parking require a fee by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify parking types by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Determine place names by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Update mountain info by ItsukiU
Update mountain info by ItsukiU
のぞこやま恋人とのコース by bananapan
山田体育館 by bananapan
かえでアンサンブルロード by bananapan
Update mountain info by ItsukiU
Survey opening hours by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Survey wheelchair accessibility of places by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify building types by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify building and roof levels by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Survey housenumbers by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify roof shapes by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify road surfaces by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify path surfaces by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify paths smoothness by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Determine roads lane count by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether steps have handrails by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify road smoothness by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify speed limits by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Determine whether ATM allows depositing cash by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether pedestrian crossings have islands by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify parking types by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify parking access by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Determine the heights of kerbs by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether kerbs have tactile paving by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether crosswalks have tactile paving by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether traffic signals have sound signals by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
Specify whether public transport stops have shelters by 笠井闘志_StreetComplete
長野県長野市を現地調査し,地物を追加および変更。 by KasaiToushi2004
道路を追加および修正。 by KasaiToushi2004
信濃路自然歩道 by bananapan
信濃路自然歩道 by bananapan
のろし台の道 by bananapan
池の平(モリアオガエルの繁殖地) by bananapan
池の平(モリアオガエルの繁殖地) by bananapan
