オープンストリートマップ 香川県 2023 年 03 月 12 日の編集記録

Created a fast_food by JanCBorchardt
香東川水系 上流部流路修正、支流追加、橋・カルバート追加、不要なlayer=-1タグの削除等(高松市) by Hokkosha
道路追加・修正(高松市塩江町安原上東他) by Hokkosha
Specify road surfaces by Thanatica
Specify speed limits by Thanatica
Specify whether water is drinkable by Thanatica
Determine roads lane count by Thanatica
Determine road widths by Thanatica
Specify path surfaces by Thanatica
Specify fire hydrant types by Thanatica
Specify fire hydrant positions by Thanatica
Specify board types by Thanatica
Specify whether narrow roads are one-ways by Thanatica
Specify wheelchair accessibility of toilets by Thanatica
Survey if places still exist by Thanatica
Specify toilet fees by Thanatica
Specify memorial types by Thanatica
Specify power poles material type by Thanatica
Specify whether steps have handrails by Thanatica
Specify whether steps have a ramp by Thanatica
Specify which way leads up for steps by Thanatica
Specify step counts by Thanatica
Specify whether public transport stops have shelters by Thanatica
Specify whether public transport stops have benches by Thanatica
Specify whether public transport stops have bins by Thanatica
Specify whether public transport stops have tactile paving by Thanatica
Determine public transport stop names by Thanatica
Add whether public transport stops are lit by Thanatica
Specify parking access by Thanatica
Specify whether parking require a fee by Thanatica
Specify tracktypes by Thanatica
Specify whether places take fees to visit by Thanatica
Specify ferry access for pedestrians by Thanatica
Specify ferry access for motor vehicles by Thanatica
Determine place names by Thanatica
Survey who may camp here by Thanatica
Specify whether there is drinking water at camp site by Thanatica
Specify whether there are showers available at camp site by Thanatica
Specify whether there is electricity available at camp site by Thanatica
Survey toilet availabilities by Thanatica
Specify drinking water types by Thanatica
高松市 : 歩道を描いて、孤立していた横断歩道のノードを車道にくっつけました。 by Smokin' Billy
高松市 : 小川と池と墓地のタグを修正しました。 by Smokin' Billy
