オープンストリートマップ 大阪府 2023 年 03 月 11 日の編集記録

建物の追加 by sinpo
地物の編集 by sinpo
建物の追加 by sinpo
建物の追加 by sinpo
建物の追加 by sinpo
道路の追加 by sinpo
信号機の追加 by sinpo
Created 3 vending_machines, a parking, and an information by Wish_F
Fixed bus stops in Hanatenhigashi by sue77
Fixed bus stops in Hanatenhigashi by sue77
Added bus stops in Hanaten-nishi by sue77
道路の補正と建物。 by icaro98
Added bus relations in Hanaten by sue77
Edit Fast food. by osmee333
Created 3 vending_machines, a parking, and an information; Updated a fitness_station by Wish_F
footway by aerozel
footway by aerozel
Created a fast_food by K_Sakanoshita
Delete Attraction. it is gone. suntory machines only. by osmee333
Fixed bus relations in Shigino by sue77
Fixed bus relations in Katamachi by sue77
building with value that seems a source by Mzaki
layer with value that is a proper name by Mzaki
layer with value that is a proper name by Mzaki
layer by Mzaki
Updated a restaurant and a confectionery shop by asuasu
