オープンストリートマップ 兵庫県 2023 年 03 月 11 日の編集記録

智頭線沿線、佐用 by Juliet225
Refine 新温泉町 by Ikuta
Change river to stream; add track/farm by Ikuta
Specify building types by Landsol
Specify road surfaces by Landsol
Determine roads lane count by Landsol
Specify path surfaces by Landsol
Determine the heights of kerbs by Landsol
Specify whether kerbs have tactile paving by Landsol
Specify parking types by Landsol
Specify parking access by Landsol
Specify whether parking require a fee by Landsol
異なる地物の接触/接続を解除 by Eris-club
Survey housenumbers by Landsol
Survey opening hours by Landsol
Created 2 post_boxes by Landsol
Specify building types by Landsol
Survey housenumbers by Landsol
立花の南やを編集 by openamap
Survey if places still exist by Landsol
Specify road surfaces by Landsol
専念寺の名前を追加。付近の消火設備、更地や駐車場の追加。 by taki3hira
立花の南やを編集 by openamap
道路の追加修正 by MasaNak
網干商店街来客専用駐車場の名前や付近の情報を追加。 by taki3hira
あぼしまち交流館付近の情報を追加。 by taki3hira
Add track and path by Ikuta
Add track and path by Ikuta
Add track and path by Ikuta
*:ja-Hani → *:ja-Hira by ffff23
proper name used as key by Mzaki
